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For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21


    Matthew 6:19-24 is about the Treasure in heaven where Jesus suggests that our priority must be God and not earthly wealth in our life. He doesn’t discourage having the wealth here on the earth but he focuses that the materialistic wealth fades away but the treasure in heaven never fades. It is his suggestion not to rely our life on temporary possessions of this world but to appreciate heavenly treasure. Our attitude towards the wealth matters since most of our time, we make money our master rather than slave. We work for it but we long for it. We submit our life to its rule and our heart is always projected towards it. Anything that rules our life besides God is idolatry. It rules our mind, thoughts, psychology, societies, relationships and other vital aspects of our life.

    While focusing and dedicating our whole life on earning materialistic luxury, we spend all our efforts on it. Ultimately there is no gain at all (Matthew 16:26). However, our focus is to be rewards from God in heaven. He promises of glorious future and rewards to us. If we focus at God’s possessions, we ultimately understand he is the ultimate treasure we indeed need (Matthew 6:33). The possessions, powers, wealth, status and authorities we gain in this world are all temporary pleasure. We need to seek true pleasure and delight in God, his presence, his relationship, his will, his plans, his reward, his dream and his motivation in our life. Jesus is our ultimate treasure who gave us the most important wealth which is none other than God himself. That’s the sweetest nectar in our life which shall never fade and never waste away. When our focus deviates from world towards God, then our heart seeks him.

    Regarding our personal life, we are surrounded by materialistic applications and we use them daily. The modern world has made us total indebted and dependence towards modern applications. They have become trap for us, opium for us and they are ruling us. We are regarding them as valuable treasure in our life. They are probably idolatry because of our priority on daily basis. We use them for our every works in daily life. The only way we can escape from making them as our idols is that we must learn to use them for God’s glory with regular prayer and spiritual discipline. We must learn to deny our free will and accept the rule of God so that he may guide us and fill us with his divine wisdom to use those things for his own purpose. This way we can set our priority towards treating our Lord as true treasure.  

    To avoid our obsession towards the things of this world, we must have proper spiritual exercise of keeping oneself disciplined and submitting to God’s sovereign will and intervention. Everything in this world are his provision for us (Matthew 6:25-34) but it depends on us how we use them in our life. Therefore, we must be careful not to give anything of this world the place more than they deserve i.e. they are nothing but God’s provision and used by God for his own glory.

    Jesus is our treasure. We must seek His will, his kingdom and his relationship. They remain delightful for us eternally but the treasures of this world don’t work for longevity and gets spoiled. They don’t give us true happiness, satisfaction and joy except the fellowship with God. Our mind must be focused on God and he must be our priority at the first layer and we must learn to set secondary layer priorities of this world in his hand so that he can manage them in our life (1 Peter 5:7). We must learn to be in safe hand of God, our true joy and treasure (Phil. 4:4). 

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