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Always be eager to know Jesus: This is our need today!

 Always be eager to know Jesus: This is our need today! 

An analysis with our Eastern context

Having too much influenced with western works on theology and apologetics, we’ve forgotten our Eastern context except abusing the religion we had and labeling the shastras and deities as ‘pagan’. Today, in our own native context, many people come to Christ either due to divine healing, deliverance, broken life, caste discrimination and simply believing gospel tracts.[1] These are only the medium by which people come to recognize the unusual majestic power in name of Jesus to change the society, life, and intervene natural phenomena. Our God is interactive and immanent God. He still works in our life. Fundamental doctrines are part of His divine revelation to know him and Charismatic experience are part of His interaction in our life to encounter his powerful presence and works. We need both these aspects in our life to have a beautiful fellowship with him, to enjoy him!

However, people often bind themselves in a narrow matrix and limit Lord and Saviour as merely a social reformer, a teacher, a healer, a miraculous worker and a deity who fulfils our wishes. Once they come to Christ due to healing, deliverance, caste discrimination or any other mediums then, they expect the same situation throughout the life. That’s often vulnerable. Again, God is able to bring progress in our life, healing, prosperity[2], equality and so on but that isn’t essence of following Jesus in our whole life time! If we limit ourselves in these aspects, then we fall short to recognize who Jesus is.[3] For instance, the world got victimized in Covid pandemic. Certain hyper grace advocators were against use of mask and sanitizer as if God has promised us complete shield against the illness![4] But we know that many people suffered the violent wave of Covid that includes Christians too! The question such as ‘Where is God?’[5], ‘Why divine healing is not occurring?’, etc. are common to be expected. Many Christians then leave their faith.

People are happy and have tremendous number of testimonials when God fulfils their wishes. But they begin to question God or even his existence when they get struck with sufferings. Earlier, I was talking about our Eastern context. Why? Actually, our own Eastern religious text can help us to understand where we are failing today. This doesn’t mean I am trying to place them in the same level as the Bible (which cannot be even done).[6] Simply take Hinduism’s most popular and sacred text. What’s in your mind? The Vedas? The Upanishads? The Ramayana? The book is worldwide famous and you often see it used in the court. Yes! it is the Bhagavad Gita! Keeping aside the possibility of interpolation with the book, which is another subject, the book shows how Arjuna encounters a Universal form of Krishna and he bows down to him in its 11th chapter. He feels a great joy and great fear at the same time. He humiliates himself before Krishna. He realizes the essence of Krishna not just as his friend but as all-pervading universal force. His true joy, godly fear, respect, honour and humility remains magnified in knowing who Krishna truly was. Remember that in Hinduism, Krishna is also a personal God with whom Hindus relate themselves and enjoy relationship.[7]

Shifting the topic now on our Lord Almighty Jesus, what are we waiting for? It is not just we follow him for sake of gains and elimination of pains but to know him, to enjoy him in our currently ongoing life. Point to be noted, I am not against any Charismatic works, social transformation works, or other works that manifest with rise of Christianity. Those works are also important and should be continued except for the false and hyper movements (Matthew 24:11, 24; 7:15, 20, 22-24; 2 Tim. 4:3-3; 1 John 4:1-6, etc.). But we need to understand that the great peace, joy and satisfaction is knowing who Jesus is and enjoying him forever, walking with him, belonging to him, submitting our life to his will and staying firm in faith upon him! This is our need today!   

Thank you!     

[1] Prakash Upadhyaya, A Research Article on Restructuring Spiritualism in New Life: Conversion to Christianity in Pokhara, Nepal, Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 31st Dec, 2020,, accessed on 5/10/2022

[2] This is not indicating ‘Prosperity Gospel’

[3] Apologetics Impact Nepal, Don’t just limit reformation day as Special day or Celebration day, 31st Oct, 2021,, accessed on 6/1/2022

[4] PA Thomas, अहिलेका प्रचलित झूटा शिक्षाहरु, 7th March, 2014,मण्डलीमा-अहिले-प्रचलित-अ/, accessed on 6/1/2022

[5] World and word, Where is God in midst of Corona? 31st March, 2022,, accessed on 6/1/2022

[6] Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Uniqueness of the Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999, pg. 4

[7] J.N. Farquhar, Gita and Gospel, (The Christian Literature Society for India, 1917), Pg. 84

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