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Recommended Book Review: Seven Days that Divide the World, John Lennox


Have you ever heard in church services, blogs, magazines, sermons, etc. where any Bible teacher, preacher, pastor, elders, etc. talk about 6000 years of human history since creation happened? You must have studied about Big Bang that happened billions of years ago and evolutionary theory that teaches human evolution. This topic has been one of the serious toxic debate when it comes Bible vs Science. I am not sure whether or not you have ever deeply explored this issue but believe me, this topic is still a toxic debate in Christian circle today. 

John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University (emeritus), is an internationally renowned speaker on the interface of science, philosophy and religion. He regularly teaches at many academic institutions, is Senior Fellow with the Trinity Forum and has written a series of books exploring the relationship between science and Christianity. His book has a great deal of understanding the debate and takes to a fascinating tour in interacting with this toxic subject. He discusses church history and how there was disagreement between church leaders and science about earth's science. He discusses different creation views and explores 6 days creation account. He discusses death before fall issue and human beings. He discusses actual message of Genesis 1. Overall evaluation of this book makes it clear that he is at great ambition to equip Christian learner on this subject.  

This book can help us to discuss on the subject of creation controversy. We need right understanding and concern of Genesis rather than coming into anxiety due to scripture vs scientific navigation about the universe and earth. In either interpretation of Genesis on basis of OEC or YEC, one needs to know that the Genesis had not been written in tendency of a scientific document but to reveal the mightiness of God and Genesis is quite beyond such perspective that it indeed gives us great message about the universe, loving God, creation of humans with purpose etc. 

Genre: Science and Bible 

Recommended for healthy discussion and understanding of the subject. 

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