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Gospel to Hindu world- Episode 13


A General Comparative Chart of Christianity and Hinduism


Usually our Hindu friends, relatives or circle insist that all religions and gods are one and same. All are only different approaches that leads to the same destination. Is it? Are Christianity and Hinduism one and same fundamentally?

I have prepared a basic peer reviewed informative chart to help eager minds to discover how Christianity and Hinduism differ on the basis of study and observation. This comparative chart is just a basic picture and not a detailed assessment.  




Secular category

Abrahamic Faith

Omkar Faith; Also, an Umbrella term


Historically from Jesus’ resurrection, ascension and apostles but theologically related with Judaism dating back to Abraham

Historically from the Vedas but many theories regarding nativity of Vedas

Theistic view


Evolutionary views: Animistic, Polytheistic, Henotheistic, Monistic, Pantheistic, Panentheistic and Atheistic

Supreme Being

Triune God

Although concept of Supreme Being is not definite, Para Brahman is considered the Supreme Entity and Ishvara as Active Being in creation

Core Denominations

Church of the East, Oriental Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Restorationism.

Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and Smartism

Sacred text

Holy Bible

Numerous texts under Shruti and Smriti where Vedas are foundational and Supreme authority and Bhagavad Gita is the most recommended and revered

Core problem with humanity

Broken relationship with God and bondage of Sin

Soul caught in beginningless ignorance and forgot its true nature.

Bad Karma and misery of reincarnation


Reconciliation with God: By grace through faith in Christ alone

Release from death-birth cycle and ultimately become one with Brahman: Diversified views of Self-redemption


Jesus alone as God’s human manifestation

Numerous Avatars to accomplish certain missions where Rama and Krishna are Major recognized

Purpose of Life

Created in God’s image to be a part of His family

Liberate from karma cycle and be one with Brahman by recognizing one’s self-identity with Brahman

Major Festivals/Celebration

Christmas, Good Friday, Resurrection day

Dashain, Tihar/Diwali, Holi and other forms of local religious ceremonies

Major practices

Baptism and Lord’s Supper

Numerous rites and rituals from disciplinary aspects to mystical activities

Future state/destiny

Eternal New Heaven and New Earth

Individual soul re-unites with Universal soul and one’s existence is lost. Yet, others hold further heavenly destinations as well

View about each other

Human’s self-attempt and philosophy of exploration to understand humanity, world, their relationship and trying to reach Supreme Entity using diversified ways

One of many legitimate ways to Moksha but not unique way


Reviewed by: Parv and Nitish brothers


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