1) Theophany: Basically, it is a means by which God enables humanity to perceive him in their limitation of understanding. In a technical sense, it is God manifesting himself temporarily in accessible human form for certain time and for certain accomplishment. These are common in Old Testament: Gen. 12:7-9; 18:1-33; Ex. 3:2-4:17; Deut. 31:14-15, etc. One of the most popular subject matter of this appearance can be "Angel of the Lord".
2) Angel of the Lord: a suspicions being who appears as distinct person apart from God and yet introduces himself having all identification of the very essence of God. Biblical scholars usually associates this mysterious being with pre-incarnate Christ. In New Testament, we have a complete and permanent appearance of God in human flesh in person of Jesus revealing the mysteries of God's triune nature and his theophanies.
3) Anthropomorphism: It is simply a way of making God perceivable to our understanding by assigning him human natures and emotions. We often read "His eyes", "His face", "He grieved", "He extended his arms" etc. words throughout the Old Testament. They just serves us to understand God's actions and natures and how he relates with his creation and humanity.
4) Phenomenological language: It is a manner of describing what appears to be from our perspective. Sunrise and Sunset are common examples among us. Similarly, moon having light can be an example from the scripture.
5) Personification: Similar to anthropomorphism, it is a way of ascribing human characteristics to non-human objects. This is usually done to communicate a deeper theological truths. It would be a horrible mistake to charge them for scientific inaccuracies. They serve as literary works to illustrate impactful meanings. examples can be Ps. 77:16 and Proverb 1:20-21.
6) Symbolism: It is a way of using symbols to represent ideas or qualities by associating meaning or character to something. Such uses can widely be found in the book of Revelation. Also, some portions or passages in Genesis use this language such as Serpent, Dust, Rib, etc.
7) Type: It is a way of foreshadowing in which one person or thing serves as a metaphorical representative of the other that is to come later in the scene. One common example would be bronze snake at pole foreshadowing the crucified Christ on the cross, or connection of Jonah inside the fish with Christ inside earth's grave or the rock associated with Christ. Other examples could be Malchizedek, Jospeh, Moses, etc.