1) Calvinism: In a system of theology which deals with how
salvation works in regard to God's sovereignty and human free will, Calvinism
attributes work of salvation solely on God's sovereignty. It can be summarized
in an acronym: TULIP
T = Total depravity i.e. Mankind is totally deprived of
accessing back to God because they are dead in sin and cannot respond.
U = Unconditional election i.e. God chooses some peoples for
salvation without any conditions applied but merely His choice.
L = Limited atonement i.e. Jesus died for those whom God
I = Irresistible Grace i.e. those who were already elect,
they have no option to resist God's grace.
P = Perseverance of saints i.e. God will keep his elects
eternally secure
Calvinism was propounded by a reformer John Calvin. Today,
this system of theology is well known by label "predestination" and
otherwise "Once Saved, Always Saved". They focus on the role of Holy
Spirit in regeneration of an individual in order to enable them to accept the
Gospel. However, there are various differing views itself within Calvinism
regarding how God carries out his salvation plan and order of salvation.
2) Arminianism: It is just opposite to Calvinism. Its
proponents believe that salvation is work of God and human co-operation. They
focus on free will and God electing peoples on basis of his foreknowledge. Not
all of them believe in potentiality in Losing of salvation. Most Pentecostal
and even some Baptist churches hold this theology.
3) Free will: It is God given ability of making choices and
decisions. Apart from other aspect of Christian living, its role in salvation
is very disputed. This has become one of the most difficult and even to some
extent a controversial topic in churches not just in regard to salvation but
also origin of sin and the way it should properly be understood. Some argue we
only have free will to rebel against God while other argue there cannot be true
love and being responsible without it. Arminianism theology consider Free will
has vital role in one's salvation and the way we live has severe consequences
in our salvation while Calvinism theology rejects this idea. Hence, it has been
a topic of much debate and ambiguity today in Christian circle.
4) Predestination: This is also widely confused issue.
Although the scripture does have explicit teaching on predestination, the
actual meaning of the word has been a subject of much controversy. Usually,
predestination has been widely understood as God electing certain peoples for
eternal life.
5) Apostasy: It is a deliberate act of leaving the faith. A
common term we usually hear is backslide. It is miserable condition of falling
away from God. For Calvinism theology, this cannot happen otherwise the fallen
individual isn't consider as a genuine believer at first place.
6) Reprobate: Those who aren't chosen by God for the eternal
life in Christ. In a layman language it can be said as those who are non-elect.
7) Elect: Much debated term but usually understood as God
chosen peoples for eternal life. Only these peoples respond to God's calling
and receive his grace for salvation in Christ.
8) Regeneration: It can be understood as "being born
again". It is a stage in which an individual turns to a newly redeemed
creation by grace through faith in Christ. However, its order in relationship
to our faith is of uncertainty. Some think regeneration comes before faith. One
has to be regenerated first by intervention of Holy Spirit and then they can
accept the Gospel to receive salvation. Meanwhile others think that faith in
the Gospel leads to regeneration. whatever be the case, it is merely becoming a
new man in Christ.
9) justification: It is the first stage of salvation process
in which penalty of sin is removed. We are declared righteous before God
because of our faith in Christ. We are justified before God. This is actually
the stage when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
10) Sanctification: This is second stage in which power of
sin is removed. Holy spirit indwells our life and help us to fight sin and grow
in image of Christ. This is life long process of great struggle with sin. It is
renewal of mind, soul and emotions.
11) glorification: This is the final stage in which presence
of sin is removed. This stage immediately occur after Christ's return. We are
indeed awaiting this moment. This is the phase when our earthly body also gets
resurrected and turned to glorious form.
I've reviewed the theological content provided. It offers a solid introduction to key theological concepts, particularly focusing on different views of salvation.
Assessment for beginners:
- Provides clear definitions of major theological systems (Calvinism, Arminianism)
- Explains important theological terms (predestination, free will, apostasy, etc.)
- Outlines the salvation process (justification, sanctification, glorification)
The content is useful for beginners, though some concepts could be explained with more examples or simplified further.]
Stay tuned for more terms...