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This page is misleading Christians!!! || Ancient Near Eastern Cosmology || Flat Earth || Three-Tier World


(Highlighted sentences are are hyperlinks for further study materials.)

Note: This isn't a personal attack against the creator or the person.

    While on one hand, modern concordist too much read modern understanding of the world into the ancient scripture and come up with "science in Bible" kind of apologetics, there are other group as well who take the languages used in the scripture too hyper-literally promoting the worldview instead the intended theological messages and demotivate peoples or Christians to stay away from modern science! This page seems to be one example!

    The creator doesn't apply proper contextual study of the Bible, no proper hermeneutical approach and try to be hyper literal. To most contents what she says in her reels, perhaps many Biblical scholars can agree but what troubles much is her terrible conclusions. What she does is just opposite of modern concordists: she tries to implement the ancient "worldview" now to our modern "world" accusing modern science as something "deceptive" against God's word. 

    Using a picture of a "Three-Tier universe" she tries to debunk modern scientific contributions. Using the six-days creation she tries to dismiss modern scientific findings and so on. Here, it is clear that she hasn't understood how are those depictions are to be taken for theological purpose. Its not about courses on astronomy, physics, biology or earth science but merely theological messaging. And as a former concordist Christian, I would rather say she fails to understand what Walton precisely tells to his readers: "Bible was written for us, not to us." Similarly, she needs dozens of theological lessons from the late Dr. Michael Heiser to precisely understand what's the ancient cosmology had to do with communication of God's never changing truths.

The page and reels are not just problematic but too much misleading to an enthusiast Bible reader. In fact currently rising Michael Jones (IP) has better understanding and videos from which she should learn! I can agree we all can do such mistakes in our life but we should also be willing to refine ourselves!

Note again: This isn't attack against the creator.


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