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Doctrine Of Holy Spirit || Shyam Humagain || Arpan Acharya || Aradhana Platform || Jestha 10, Thursday


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Sovereignty of God and Prayer - Ep: 6 Chapter markers: 02:05 Holy Spirit and Trinity 03:02 Doctrine of Holy Spirit is Central to Christian theology 05:11 Holy Spirit is Person 06:41 Testimony from Early church 07:22 Attributes of the Holy Spirit 09:03 Works of Holy Spirit 17:07 Divine Title given to Holy Spirit 18:08 Why is it beneficial to study languages (Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic)? 23:40 Recap and reflection of the session 27:52 Question 1: What is sin against Holy Spirit? What is Blasphemy of Holy Spirit? 45:01 Question 2: Questioning modern hyper Charismatics works vs Cessationist groups: Doctrine and Experience 01:05:27 Problems within Charismatic and Pentecostal churches 01:14:51 Be Biblical more than Logical प्रमुख टिम सम्पर्क: विजय बि.क. (Bijay B.K.) ९८००५८२८५९ (9800582859) विजय शंकर (Bijay Shankar) ९८०८०५६३५९ (9808056359) नबिन बि.क. (Nabin B.K.) ९७६८४६९२४८ (9768469248) Mentors: प्रो. अर्पण आचार्य @arpanacharya8456 (Prof. Arpan Acharya - Nepal Theological College ) केविन श्रेष्ठ @achristianthinker9118 (Kevin Shrestha) आशिष बि.क. @blessioz (Ashish B.K.) रवि सोनाहा (Ravi Sonaha) २०८० सालमा स्थापना गरिएको यस बाइबल अध्ययनको उद्देश्य बाइबलीय आधारभूत शिक्षाको सरलीकरण गर्नु हो |

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