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Biblical Theology on Language (tongues) || Arpan Acharya || Aradhana Platform || Jestha 3, Thursday


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Sovereignty of God and Prayer - Ep: 5

Chapter markers 01:39:54 DISCLAIMER 01:24 Admitting controversial nature of ‘Tongues’ among various denominations 02:23 Hermeneutical Rules or rules of interpreting the scripture 06:32 What is ‘Tongues’? What do we mean by this particular word? 09:10 Purpose of Languages 10:18 Mention of Languages in the scripture: The Babel event and rethinking chronological order of Genesis 10 & 11 19:33 Why was confusion of languages a major concern? 22:58 God’s election of a language 26:22 Biblical understanding of language 28:20 Tongues and Works of Holy Spirit 34:47 Glancing at Holy Spirit: Theology to Experience 40:20 Holy Spirit in the Covenant: Active and Experiential 49:06 Illuminating Passover and Pentecost from both Old and New Testament 01:01:43 A New Spirit; A New Heart; Fruits of the Spirit 01:06:10 A Big Picture established for precise understanding of Tongues 01:09:01 What was God’s purpose of keeping humanity on the Earth? 01:09:53 Holy Spirit is of Active energy 01:13:18 What responsibility are we given? 01:14:10 Problem with Cessationist’s view of Holy Spirit’s finished work of empowerment after Apostolic age 01:15:17 The relationship between Babel event and Pentecost day of book of Acts in light of God’s Glory 01:19:17 Are women prohibited from prophesizing? Should they remain silent at the church? 01:21:39 How can someone react while receiving the Holy Spirit? A reasonable and sound/scriptural Pentecostal defense of jerking and falling phenomena at church 01:29:06 Concluding message: Also, the reason why we sing ‘Come Holy Spirit come’ 01:32:13 Question: What about the argument that Holy Spirit is a Gentle Spirit and hence he doesn’t enable anyone to jerk and fall down? 01:35:57 How to analyze modern Hyper-Charismatic ministries? 01:39:54 An alerting context for the video and overall sessions on Tongues 01:40:53 Step by step breakdown revision of the whole session 01:41:26 Another view of Holy Spirit that doesn’t discuss active experience in Christian life 01:41:49 Our theology of Holy Spirit in a Nutshell

प्रमुख टिम सम्पर्क: विजय बि.क. (Bijay B.K.) ९८००५८२८५९ (9800582859) विजय शंकर (Bijay Shankar) ९८०८०५६३५९ (9808056359) नबिन बि.क. (Nabin B.K.) ९७६८४६९२४८ (9768469248) Mentors: प्रो. अर्पण आचार्य ‪@arpanacharya8456‬ (Prof. Arpan Acharya - Nepal Theological College ) केविन श्रेष्ठ ‪@achristianthinker9118‬ (Kevin Shrestha) आशिष बि.क. ‪@blessioz‬ (Ashish B.K.) रवि सोनाहा (Ravi Sonaha) २०८० सालमा स्थापना गरिएको यस बाइबल अध्ययनको उद्देश्य बाइबलीय आधारभूत शिक्षाको सरलीकरण गर्नु हो |

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