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What areas do you embrace YECs?

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    Okay, so I have already made a video on certain problems I find in their position, nevertheless I really appreciate and embrace them on consistency and coherency of views despite disagreeing their interpretation.

    While I have disagreement with YECs on Genesis 1-3 on particular, there are areas I embrace them honestly.

1. They have a coherent, consistent and a firm view

2. They have a strong determination to stand in favour of Gospel and against false science stuff that tends to be an object of idol for modern world

3. They don't compromise with God's word

4. They are strongly devoted to slay down all hurdles to faith

5. They don't appreciate human intellect over God's

6. They remind human infallibility in areas of knowledge

7. They are committed to a straightforward faith on God and his word instead twist, turns, doubt and so on

    Having listened and engaged with many YEC contents, I have personally drawn these conclusions. Again, I don't subscribe to this position but I embrace it in the areas listed above.

    As Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 13, We must have Love otherwise we are nothing. We can have agreement and disagreement but its love that enables us to tolerate and be respectful towards others.

    The dispute over Genesis interpretation remains and we must closely examine every alternatives. At the end of day, we are to praise God and rejoice in him.

    To drop down curtain, YEC is steadfast and firm in their submission to authority of scripture which every Christians should embrace.


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