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How are we to understand Genesis creation days?


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There are varieties of ways to understand Genesis creation days without compromising core themes of Genesis 1.

1. One can understand days as normal 24 hours days as YECs hold.

2. The Hebrew word "Yom" translated as "days" doesn't have only meaning of 24 hours. There are four usage of days itself in Gen. 1-2.

3. Genesis days can be also taken as analogical days. A literary work to compare human work week (Ex. 20:11).

4. Genesis days can also be Long period of time since the narration of activities on 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th day needs longer duration than 24 hours.

5. Genesis days can also be relativistic days i.e. Days were 24 hours from perspective of beginning point of expansion of universe while billions of years from perspective of the earth.

6. Genesis days can also be a framework where first three days remark giving form and kingdom to earth and next three days filling the earth with kingships/rulers.

7. Genesis days is also understood as days of mere restoration and not real creation by classical Gap theorists.

8. Genesis days is also taken as semi-poetic literary work or metaphor.

9. Genesis days has been also understood as inauguration of Cosmic temple.

10. Genesis days are also taken as Revelatory days in which Moses has been revealed about creation by God in each real day.

Thus, there are varieties of interpretation honest, sincere and faithful Christians subscribe. I have listed only several of them These views might be independent of one another or might be in overlapping and combined state. 

Whatever position we take, the theme of Genesis about God and his relationship with his creation remains the same. Hence, it is wise to be open on this subject than to ponder dogmatic stand.

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