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Resources Doses: AskDrBrown




Link 1: Here!

Link 2: Here!

Dr. Brown is a leading pioneer and elite in field of witnessing Jesus’ Messianic role to Jewish community, defending the Charismatic experience within the authority of the scripture, and credible advocate of Armenian theology. His marvelous works can be noted in field of answering objection from Judaism and making a Biblical defense of spiritual gifts existing even today.

His ministry can be useful for believers who are in Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations as he leads in the field of Charismatic theology and revival. His defense on behalf of Glossolalia, healing, prophecy and deliverance are outstanding and can be helpful to those who are struggling in these areas. This is because he is genuine in both doctrinal stand and experiential practice.

Next, he is wonderful contributor in defending Messianic Judaism. He works to show that Jesus is indeed true Messiah that Jews have always been awaiting. If user would like to reach Jewish people then his resources can be helpful to show how Jesus is that Messiah.

Furthermore, he also leads in Armenian theology and can be helpful to users who adhere Armenian view of God’s sovereignty and Human free will in relation to salvation.

Finally, he has lots of coverage in other topics of theology and apologetics issues such as culture, LGBTQ, race and so on.   

His ministry seems featuring two apps with well-equipped contents:

  1. Podcasts
  2. Reaching Jewish community
  3. Articles
  4. Videos
  5. Books resources
  6. Debates

He has been under the list of reputed apologists and scholars till our date. He has website and You Tube channel as well. User can dive into his platforms and learn more about discussed fields.

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