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The Chaotic Environment Growing in Nepal: Denominationalism, Obsession on Secondary doctrines and misusing the term Heresy


Modern churches even in Nepal are getting into a probable risk of denominationalism. One denomination is found labelling other denomination as false. The present environment is going obsessed more with denominational mainstream rather than relationship with God.[1]

A viral Christian critic Abhisek Joshi rightly said that there is chaos within Christians.[2] There isn't just one "Christian" but various forms of Christians in Nepal. Despite making any attempt to respond his statement, we all must acknowledge his concern about growing confusing Christianity in Nepal. A profound Bible teacher has also said that present Nepali churches have been influenced tremendously by secondary doctrinal teaching that has been developing throughout the history. He doesn't pour his tension regarding captivity of such teaching but he expresses his concern that the environment is becoming chaotic at present.[3]

We need to understand that Denominational rivalry costs heavy. This makes relationship bitter within Christian circle. There can be hatred, criticism, mockery, protest, hostility and sarcasm within Christian community. Denominational teaching is secondary and has nothing to do with salvation is a naive statement most Bible teachers or theologians or apologists usually make. Our faith and belief have major effects on the way we live. This doesn't mean salvation is affected but Christianity is not only about salvation but our whole life committed to relationship with God. On one hand, we are taught salvation isn't affected but on other hand they forget that these issues are crushing relationship among Christians.

The churches today need a common platform where they can meet and have fellowship. Despite theological distinction, we need to show the beauty of our unity because we worship one God, we have one Savior and we are guided by one spirit (1 Cor. 1:10-18, Phil. 2:1-4, Eph. 4:1-6). We may give our consideration and space to one another regarding fringe doctrines but it’s obvious we all agree on core fundamental doctrines.[4] It is necessary basically for growing teens and youths who are in learning phase.

The chaotic environment ascends because modern churches have misapplied the terms like Heresy. Usually this term has been used by anyone who doesn't embrace another theological position (Just for e.g. Calvinist can accuse the Molinist idea of Middle knowledge as heresy). There are indeed other appropriate terms like ‘error’ and ‘difference in opinions’. They can be used to refer secondary doctrines. Heresy is always meant for cardinal doctrines. All heresies are incorrect ideas but not all incorrect ideas are heresies; many incorrect ideas do not make salvation impossible but they may be simply mistaken interpretation of a secondary doctrine.[5] The churches must provide this philosophical education as well.

It’s vital to understand that goal of every Christians is same. They might differ on their daily conduct, way of servicing, and certain beliefs on ethics but they all are called by one and same spirit, serve in same spirit and guided by the same spirit. This excludes cult groups.

To wrap up the core ideas:

1. Difference in teaching is not necessarily a heretic teaching!

2. We need to learn how to distinguish heretic, erratic and difference in opinions.

3. Denominational positions are secondary doctrines and should not be dogmatized as cardinal doctrines.

4. None of secondary doctrines should be marginalized as necessity for salvation or Christian living that has not ever been observed or considered as vital throughout 2000 years of history of church.[6]

5. Secondary doctrines affects how we live Christian life, how we interact in services, how we enroll in ministry, and how we conduct ourselves with people. Hence, they aren’t matter of negligence either.

6. Secondary doctrines should not be measuring parameter to detect heresy and cults.

7. Various church denominations differ on secondary doctrines but they all agree on cardinal doctrines.

            Therefore, let us be a conscious believer and always aim to unite together rather than divide and create chaotic environment. This doesn’t impact Christian circle but also the heathen world on how they judge us.


[1] के दशांश नदिनु भनेको त परमेश्वरलाई लुट्नु हो ?  पाप गर्नु हो ? Face_up Simiyon with PA Thomas, 2022, accessed July 27, 2022,

[2] कट्टर इसाई अभियन्ता ले हिन्दु अभियन्ताअभिषेक जोशीलाई भेटेरै बेस्सरी  सम्झाए।JAYMASHIH TV, 2020, accessed September 7, 2022,

[3] के दशांश नदिनु भनेको त परमेश्वरलाई लुट्नु हो ?

[4] Set Apart Podcast| 03 | Unity in the Body of Christ amidst Doctrinal Differences, 2022, accessed September 7, 2022,

[5] Theological Topics: Old Testament and New Testament Articles (English - Nepali), 2nd Edition in this format (January, 2018). (Kishor Offset press (P.) Ltd. Galkopakha, Kathmandu, Nepal: Samdan Publishers, n.d.), 18–19.

[6] तेलकोनिम्ति प्रार्थना गर्नु सरासर  झुटो शिक्षा हो, व्यापार हो - भिडियो हेर्नुस्  Khulduli Show, 2020, accessed September 7, 2022,

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