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Just being thoughtful ...

Human relationship is vital which consists of trust, faith, interaction, conflict, forgiveness, reconciliation and transformation. Have you ever broken heart of any people? Have you been harsh towards others unwillingly and they tend not to trust you anymore? How much painful the situation becomes when you try to reconcile? This is all about relationship.

We do feel sorry for our offence and ask forgiveness. But even after forgiveness, our expectation of restoration of the relationship doesn’t get fix completely! That situation becomes extremely painful to us ever than before! That would a great embarrassment for us! It is true that we are fallen beings but this is not a ticket for making excuse! The forgiveness and loving others as we love ourselves are vital for our life! Breaking someone’s trust and faith seems easier but it is extremely painful to regain it!

If the relationship is still strained even after forgiveness, then there is no true forgiveness and no reconciliation.

If there is no trust and confidence in each other even after forgiveness, then it should be remembered that it is not a reconciliation but only an agreement.

If there is silence, awkwardness, distance even after forgiveness, then there is no change, love, and reconciliation.

If we are not in the same situation and relationship even after forgiveness, then that is not a true forgiveness.

After forgiveness, both parties need to be aware and conscious about their behavior and conduct otherwise human relationship will become a game played with fearful emotions.

Even after forgiveness, if we remain stuck in old things, nothing has changed in us (2 Cor. 5:17).

Remember that after God has forgiven us, he has called us to maintain the original relationship that was with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden! If he had the same mentality as us, there would be no hope of eternal life for us today (Heb. 8:12). Let's learn something from him.

Some might object that these are mere theoretical imaginations and cannot be implemented practically because we are fallen beings and have a deceitful heart. I do agree! I am not brining these thoughts as absolute philosophy of life! However, making excuses just because we are fallen and have immature and deceitful heart is our greatest trigger point! Our small excuses today in name of our fallen status and heart can make us backslide even more in future! Making excuses leads us to compromise in life! We should rather try our best to progress and keep moving in life! Isn’t God faithful to help and guide us?

Another thing is faith and trust!

The world is running on trust and faith! A bus charge collector will not check your money first and asks you to enter the bus because he believes that you will pay the fare after reaching your destination. Students are sent to school with the belief that they will learn something from the teachers in various subjects and they are left in the trust of the teachers! Faith and trust are indispensable things that once broken are very difficult to maintain! Breaking someone's trust and confidence is a great shame and humiliation for us. If someone doesn't trust and believe us, that's no more difference than our character assassination! In such a situation, there is no one to understand our things, there is no one to entrust us with some work, and no one values ​​us. What greater other insults and punishments would be than this?

But even in such a situation, we should not stop trusting and believing in others and working with them or for them. Because of this, they will be able to understand our situation and even if they don't believe us, it will be revealed from our faith that we accept our mistakes and want to change and reconcile. These things are inevitable in forgiveness and human relations.


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