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You know? Jesus is True Treasure of our life!


Determining the True Treasure: Recognizing the Value of Christ

    God created us for his glory and it is our sincere duty to worship him because he is worthy of it. God desires fellowship with us and we are ought to desire him as our joy and happiness. The relationship got spoiled as soon as the first couple disobeyed God, mistrusted him and sought independence survival apart from his need in their life. They lost their status, identification and authority. Jesus had to fix the situation where the first man failed. 

    By the first Adam, we received the death while the second Adam came to give us the life. Jesus is our life. He is our treasure and prosperity. We are continuously awakened and revived into life through Jesus. Jesus made us enable to come back in networking with God. In Jesus, we are enabled to fulfil God’s intended design, plan and joy for our life. In Jesus, our lost status, address and identity are being restored. We just don’t believe in Jesus but we make him our treasure of life.

    After the fall, humanity became restless and wandering creatures. They were indeed created and designed to be different from the rest of all creation. They failed and they lost the fellowship with God. They became more a biological being to live just a biological life. Their desire of heart, free will and consciousness became polluted with all kinds of sinful willingness. They began to live a life in their own ways developing their own societies, education, rules, communities, ideologies and idols. 

    They became uncertain about their life and developed philosophies and religions based on their assumption and God’s granted general revelation. They tried to fulfil their own desires and often went through sufferings and sorrows when they weren’t fulfilled. They became desperate with their life, a helpless being. They submitted their life to natural forces, their corrupted ideologies, pursuit of luxury, pursuit of knowledge and their own normal concern of life priorities. Thus, these all became devastating idols for them. They associated their own identification and status based on these idols. This made the situation worst and humanity became slaves to idols of their life. 

    God determined the treasure for humanity. The treasure that would re-allocate humanity in right direction of life. The treasure that would grant a real joy and true desire of heart. The treasure that awakens human fallen consciousness so that they would really know who they are, why they are here and what is their purpose. It was God who determined to grant this treasure to us to redeem us from all other desolated idols of life that would ultimately lead us to eternal destruction.

    God’s original plan was to extend his kingdom through humanity in this world and co-rule the world with us. He gave man a great responsibility to rule over the world as his representatives and take care of this world on his behalf. They were meant to be God’s own people taking care of His interests and accomplishing His plans on earth which would have been an ultimate fulfillment of man’s life and enjoyment as God’s special creation on earth. For this, they had to choose to be under the rule of God and obey his directions on their freewill. They were ought to be dependent on God as the source of their life and authority and remain thankful to Him for that status of being in fellowship with God. 

    Man failed and chose to act independence of God to rule this world according to their own desires of heart and their own understanding. But God didn’t leave man out of despair but promised to settle the desperate situation. He predetermined a special man who could fulfil the original plan on behalf of fallen humanity. Jesus was the first man who accepted the complete rule of God in his life and became an obedient man till his death on the cross. He chose submission under the will of Father. He laid down his joy in the relationship with God and did everything for sake of God’s glory. He fulfilled the laws that humanity couldn’t. He lived according to the intended purpose of God. 

    Man, in his fallen nature, failed to acknowledge their purpose and made God a medium to fulfil their desires. They began appeasing him to fulfil their longings. God became a genie for humanity and yet they received no joy, a worthless survival. Through Jesus, God’s relationship was restored to humanity. Jesus was granted as a treasure to us. Jesus is to be delighted not just to be believed and followed. Delighting Jesus made humanity access to settle the chaotic situation and delight kingdom of God. Humanity realized their desperate condition which was already fixed by Jesus. Jesus offered himself to us as treasure so that we may revive to our intended status with respect to God. 

    Jesus focused and prioritized God’s kingdom and his righteousness. The theme that runs throughout Synoptic gospels and Jesus’ parables. The treasure drew attention of humanity to their true status, identity and address. The treasure brought God’s fullness extension of his kingdom to us. The treasure gave us nothing but God himself which was the ultimate pursuit of happiness and joy of humanity. 

    We glorify the treasure and the treasure giver. Our joy and happiness and satisfaction lies in that alone. Do we have question that our focus is again on treasure and not the giver? Well, here the treasure itself brought the treasure giver to us! Jesus brought God to us! His kingdom in our life! What’s more joy we need than having the fellowship with God back in our life?   


Desiring God by John Piper

To Enjoy Him Forever by Malcolm Webber     

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