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The Purpose of Man, Fall and Redemption


Surviving in a modern world, we are familiar how magnificent is our universe. Zooming out the scale, we find ourselves extremely minute part in this universe. Yet the opening book of the scripture, book of Genesis, marks our identification as uniquely created beings in God’s image and likeness. In this busy world, we might have not spent our time in thinking about life beyond the thoughts of this world. Why are we here? What is the ultimate purpose of our presence in this vast universe? Why are we so different than rest of all creation? The Bible speaks to us that we are God’s special creation, created to glorify him and to enjoy him forever. The faith system in Christianity is deeply rooted and founded in God and the function is carried out through our personal relationship with God.

God is to be glorified because he is all-worthy. The whole creation is indeed created for his own glory. Human beings are created at end in his own image and to extend God’s rule in this world. God appointed us dominion over this world and he was supposed to extend his own rule through us. He is worthy of majestic glorification which is by default his nature. We have been created not for our glory but to exalt God in our life. We are created to have everlasting pleasure in enjoying with God in our life. It is all about relationship with God.

People are living meaningless life today because they are lost. They don’t know their purpose. They keep shattering their life and wandering to seek their identity and inner joy. However, they fail every time. But those who accepted Jesus in their life, returns back to the status of God’s children. They get their identification and a real joy in their heart. Once they begin enjoying God in their life, they will find great satisfaction in worshipping God. Hence, God establishes his relationship and rule with us.

What happened in the garden? And its aftermath in the history.

The devastating effect of the fall

The first human beings failed to trust God and had to bear the burden of the separation from God. The very sin of independence from God brought forth a terrible plot in human history when the authority over the creation was snatched by the devil. The human beings could no longer function as image bearer of God and fulfil his will. They became more a biological being wandering throughout their life in confusion about the purpose of life. The world was under the curse due to the guilt of Adam and Eve. They were doomed to eternal destination of destruction.

The battle fought and won

The first Adam failed and the whole creation was under terrible rule of devil. Now, it was high time to reclaim the lost status of humanity. They lost their status, identity, and authority. God the Son had to step ahead and take the action against the rule of darkness. He had to reverse the chaotic situation and declare his victory over the devil and his hosts. Jesus won the great battle on behalf of humanity and made the way to reconcile back to God as his image bearers. The righteousness was restored. Jesus fixed the issues where it had gone wrong.

The promise made and kept

God made a promise to humanity that he would send an anointed one to save them. Despite the fall, God didn’t give up upon the humanity and already made the provision of the rescue against the power of sin. He kept the promise and today we are able to restore back to our intended fellowship with God through his son Jesus. It was Jesus who perfectly lived a life intended by God and didn’t fall in temptations but got victory. His victory is our victory. 



Desiring God by John Piper

To Enjoy Him Forever by Malcolm Webber     

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