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Recommended Book Review: Keeping your kids on God's side, Natasha Crain


How can we raise our kids in God's path? When they keep on growing to maturity, they have lots of questions about faith. They are eager to learn more about Bible, God, Jesus and Christianity. Its our sincere duty to guide them to relevant resources and answers. It's true that we don't have all answers but we should be able to guide them in right direction. 

This book is a great starting phase for children to grow intellectually. The book covers crucial issues that usually a growing mind thinks in his/her journey of life. Their mind gets filled up with science, philosophy, religion, politics, sociology, etc. and they began to ponder relevancy of their faith. There are instances when many children give their back to faith and backslides. We don't want that happening to our future pillar, do we? 

Contents covered in this book:

Part 1: Conversations About God

1. What evidence is there for God’s existence?

2. How could a good God allow evil and suffering?

3. Why would God command the genocide of the Canaanites?

4. How can a loving God send people to hell?

5. How can God judge people who have never even heard about Jesus?

6. Why would God need people to worship Him?

7. Why is God so hidden?

8. Is faith in God the opposite of reason?

Part 2: Conversations About Truth and Worldviews

9. What is the difference between objective and subjective truth?

10. Do all religions point to the same truth?

11. How can Christians claim they know what is objectively true?

12. How can personal experience help determine what is true?

13. How can common sense help determine what is true?

14. If Christianity is true, why are there so many denominations?

15. Is Christianity responsible for millions of deaths in history?

16. Are Christians less intelligent than atheists?

Part 3: Conversations About Jesus

17. How do we know Jesus existed?

18. Did Jesus really claim to be God?

19. Did Jesus’ followers really believe He was God?

20. Why did Jesus need to die on the cross for our sins?

21. What are the historical facts of the resurrection that nearly every scholar

agrees on?

22. What are the major theories people use to explain those facts?

23. Why do Christians believe a supernatural resurrection best explains the


24. How can Christians believe miracles are even possible?

Part 4: Conversations About the Bible

25. How were the books in the Bible selected?

26. Why were books left out of the Bible?

27. How do we know we can trust the Bible’s authors?

28. How do we know the Bible we have today says what the authors

originally wrote?

29. Does the Bible have errors and contradictions?

30. Does the Bible support slavery?

31. Does the Bible support rape?

32. Does the Bible support human sacrifice?

Part 5: Conversations About Science

33. Why do Christians have varying views on how and when God created

the world?

34. What is young-Earth creationism?

35. How do mainstream scientists estimate the age of the Earth?

36. What is old-Earth creationism?

37. What is evolution?

38. What are the major pieces of evidence for evolution?

39. What are the major challenges to evolution?

40. What is intelligent design?

10 Tips for Having Deeper Faith Conversations with Your Kids

Its not even necessary to hold dogmatically all kind of information decoded in this book but this book at least leads you on train station and rest is your journey throughout the various subjects like science, philosophy, ethics, tactics, etc.  

Nepali review:

परमेश्वरको अस्तित्वको लागि के साक्षी छ ? कसरी असल परमेश्वरले दुष्ट्याइँ र दु:खकष्ट अनुमति दिन सक्नुहुन्छ ? किन परमेश्वरले कनानीहरूको नरसंहार गर्ने आज्ञा दिनुभयो ? कसरी प्रेमिलो परमेश्वरले मानिसहरूलाई नरकमा पठाउन सक्नुहुन्छ ? के विश्वास तर्कको विपरीत छ ? वस्तुपरक र भावपरक सत्यताको बिचमा के भिन्नता छ ? के ख्रीष्टियानहरू नास्तिकहरूभन्दा कम प्रतिभाशाली हुन्छन् ? के येशूले साँच्चै आफू परमेश्वर हुनुभएको दाबी गर्नुभयो ? के बाइबलमा भूल र अन्तर्विरोधहरू छन् ? यो पृथ्वी कति वर्ष पुरानो छ ? विकासवाद के हो ? यसका साक्षीसाथै चुनौतिहरू के-के हुन् ? बौद्धिक रचना भनेको के हो ? Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith नामक पुस्तकमा भएका ४० ओटा प्रश्नमध्ये यी केही हुन् ।

 क्रेन यसका लेखिका हुन् । बुबाआमाले आफ्ना बालबालिकाहरूलाई तिनीहरूको विश्वासको पक्षमा वकालत गर्न सिकाउनुपर्छ भन्ने धारणामा उनी कटिबद्ध छिन् । ख्रिस्टाब्द २०१६ मा प्रकाशित यस पुस्तकमा २७४ पृष्ठ छन् ।

आफ्नो कृतिलाई लेखिकाले ५ भागमा विभाजन गरेकी छन् र प्रत्येक भागमा ८/८ ओटा पाठ छन् । पहिलो भागमा परमेश्वरसित सम्बन्धित विषयहरू सम्बोधन गरिएका छन् भने दोस्रोमा सत्यता र विश्वदृष्टिको बारेमा । तेस्रो भाग येशूको बारेमा समर्पित छ । चौथो भाग बाइबलको विषयमा हो भने पाँचौँ विज्ञानको विषयमा ।

हामी विविध विचारले जेलिएको संसारमा बाँचेका छौँ । प्रविधिको विकाससँगै विश्वको एउटा कुनामा सृजित विचार एकै छिनमा अर्को कुनामा पुग्न पुग्छ । यस्तो अवस्थामा हाम्रा छोराछोरीहरू गैरख्रिस्टियान अवधारणाको सिकार बन्न सक्ने सम्भावनालाई इन्कार गर्न सकिँदैन । आफ्ना छोराछोरीहरूलाई ख्रीष्टियान विश्वासको पक्षमा वकालत गर्न सिकाउनुपर्छ भन्नेहरूका लागि यो एउटा महत्त्वपूर्ण कृति हो ।

परमेश्वर, बाइबल, येशू, विज्ञान, विश्वदृष्टिजस्ता विभिन्न विषयहरूमा छोराछोरीहरूले बुबाआमालाई प्रश्न सोध्न सक्छन् । यो पुस्तकले बुबाआमालाई यस्ता विषयहरूबारे सुसज्जित पारी छोराछोरीहरूका कौतुहुलतालाई वैज्ञानिकसाथै तार्किक ढङ्गमा जवाफ दिन सक्षम तुल्याउँछ ।

Review by Nepali Apologist Kamal Adhikari

Recommended for apologetics course to kids. 

Genre: Basically General Apologetics 

Original post: Here

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