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An approach to atheism-II

   You call me an atheist? I am one more ‘atheist’ than you are. You're atheist to Hindu Gods and Goddesses, Zeus, Thor, etc. I just added one more to the list.

1.      You asked amazing question my friend! I would be happy to answer it! First of all, the meaning of the word atheist is without God. By the definition of this word being based on its etymology we call you atheist. That’s not an insult! But now when you imply this word to me, I think there is problem with implication of the word. You are saying that I am also an atheist because I do not believe in Hindu Gods and Goddesses, ancient Roman and Greek gods like Thor, Zeus, Orisis, Hercules, etc. Let me now explain you why the implication of the word atheist to me holds no water.

First of all, I am God believer. God- Theos in Greek. The Word thus only uses theist not atheist. Atheist is ‘without God’ and not ‘without particular God such as Allah, Jesus, Rama, Krishna, etc.’ however, when you call me an atheist, the context is right rather the use of the word. The context in which you are calling me simply an atheist is because of my faith in Jesus and rejection in other Gods. Let my start my journey now answering you with charity friend!

The question is more precise if you have asked me why only Jesus and no other gods? There follows another objection: If you claim yourself as God believing person, then why need of discrimination? Dear friend, I can clearly understand your question and is very good one. To understand the reason for my acceptance of Jesus as God and rejection of other gods, we first need to know worldviews. Are all religions one and the same? Are all gods one and the same? If all were one and same then there was no problem for me to believe all gods, no rejection, and no compromise. However my friend, the truth is bitter and just opposite!

In this world, it is our error to believe that only two groups of people exist: theist and atheist. Now, slowly come down the stairs and land on the world of ‘theistic worldview’ where you can see mono-theist, poly-theist, pan-theist, animism, panen-theism and many other forms. Let me add some flavor to it. Even under the theistic worldview, there are two views: linear and cyclic. Both are dynamic worldviews.

A linear worldview has a beginning and an end. The world was created, we were created, we do survive and die and ultimately we have one final destination to go either separation from God or eternal living with God. Just distinct from the linear, the cyclic worldview teaches that this world is under the cause and effect. There are consequences of our actions which we have to again pay back until our debt of bad karma is fully paid with our good karma and we get released from karmic cycle and get to unite with Para Brahman (The Hindu concept of pantheist in which Para Brahman alone is the reality while the whole universe is an illusion). Cyclic worldview is also dynamic but has cycles of births and deaths in contrast to linear. This is what Krishna also teaches to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.

Now, the monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, animism all have their own beliefs and cannot be put into one basket. A religion like Islam who believes in One God Allah cannot be same and one with the Buddhism in which No God exists. Hindu belief of God became the universe and so God is all and all is God (pantheistic view) cannot be the same as Christian belief of God as the creator and the universe his creation. The linear worldviews such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity cannot be same as the cyclic worldview like Hinduism. Similarly, belief of animism (anima=soul) that everything has soul is not precisely compatible with other linear views. Hindu teaching in Bhagavad Gita that Krishna shall incarnate age to age to protect the righteous and destroy the evil is incompatible with Bible’s claim of Jesus as only incarnation of God. Islamic view of Isa, the Son of Mary is not the same as Jesus of Nazareth. Islam rebukes the concept of crucifixion of Jesus and his divinity but the Bible puts it as core essence necessary for salvation. Both Islam and Judeo-Christianity debunk idol worship whereas Hindus have no problem in worshiping God in the created things as it is pantheistic view. Buddhism rejects existence of God and authority of Vedas, whereas Hindus believe in pantheist (but Hinduism has different form of beliefs about God and I have mentioned only a common form here) and authority of Vedas. Christians’ belief in trinity is in contrary to Judaism and Islam belief of God as only one person, not the one being in three persons. Hence, you can analyze yourself my friend! There are vast difference you see! That’s why there are war in names of religions such as crusade, jihad, etc. This great misery to human beings cannot be solved unless they know which one is the true way. Remember, all these contradictions cannot be true at same time and concept of relativistic view cannot be valid. These all are different in their essence and fundamental teachings.

Now you may ask me again, there are lots of countries in this world all fundamentally different, lots of political formations in a nation, and lots of nutrition in a single food. I got your point what are you trying to say friend. First, lots of countries in this world but you cannot be the citizen of all the countries! Acceptance of one makes the rejection of other. All the religions of course exist but the issue is not about their existence rather their acceptance and rejection. Second, lots of political formations in one nation. Yes right! But think why only one particular political party is chosen to run the nation? What happens if all are given chance to work freely simultaneously? They are distinct in their ideology and practical approach and implication friend! What happens when you think of worshiping in one room with Hindu, Muslim and Christian altogether? The teachings are different! Go to a Hindu guru and say that you realized that you are indeed one with Brahman! He will be happy to listen this. But go to Jewish priest and say the same thing and you will be ordered to execution! A Muslim cannot tolerate if a Christian rejects Muhammad and admits Jesus is God! There are differences in ideology and when all are given chance to imply at once then there is turbulence, entropy, volcanic eruption, and conflicts. Think yourself! Lastly, what about the nutrition like vitamins, proteins, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, carbohydrates, and etc. all in one food in unity? That’s quite interesting! Think again Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Christianity in one world. Rather there are as much as 4200 minor religions where they are just major ones! The function of nutrition is different my friend! They play different roles. But, this is not what reality with religions! They are not playing different roles to build up a world. Religions are indeed here to explain answers to four major questions of life: origin, our identity, the way we should live the life and our ultimate destination. Religions are hence not acting as having different roles. Each one is exclusive. Rest analysis I leave it to you friend.

Finally, one question obviously is common and quest of zeal! Which one is true? One must be true! The Bible and the Quran cannot be true at same time. The Bhagavad Gita and the Tripitaka cannot be same. To know which path is true, there is only one parameter to test. The teaching of ethics is of course admirable in all religions. In this point many argue that all are same as they all teach love, peace, kindness, etc. The differences lies now in their analysis on historical, archaeological, and theological basis. Even a fictional work can have lots of scientific things in it but when the issue of history and archaeology, then it comes comes the issue of past that cannot be altered.

Why I believed in the Bible? I will leave this study and investigation up to you! The Bible holds volumes of manuscripts other than any religious worldviews, the Bible holds historical evidences either of Old Testament or New Testament, the Bible holds many archaeological proofs and the Bible gives appropriate practical answers to the four core issues: origin, identity, ethics and destination. Even the Bible critics and secular historians and archaeologists had accepted the historical relevancy of the Bible. The New Testament accounts have been verified as accurate historical accounts. The crucifixion of Jesus is accepted as the accurate history by secular critics as well. There was not a chance for legends to emerge! The New Testament documents were documented within a century period during which many people held the testimonials and witnesses! The Bible holds quotes of wisdom, hidden sciences if we study in right language of that time, rich in literature, philosophy of life, and so on. I will leave this all to you. Test and analyze yourself friend!

What about other scriptures? Hinduism was an evolving religion and till now there has been many changes in their theology indeed. Bhagavad Gita earlier had 84 verses talking all about Sankhya philosophy but today it has 700 verse! All Hindu scholars do not agree if Krishna and Rama were historic but in teaching they are taken as ideal figures and allegory. There has been evolution in theology of gods and avatars. Vishnu who had no greater position in the Vedas is now a major god worshiped in Hinduism! Many gods like Varuna, Prajapati, etc. has been forgotten. Ramayana and Mahabharata that were neither fully a history nor mythology but great epics to describe the essence of dharma had undergone many changes in them. Today we can find many versions of these epics. Not all the events are historically and archeologically supported. The theology of karma and reincarnation adds up burden to us and has logical and philosophical challenges. In Islam, God Allah changes his revelation time to time. Muhammad himself was not sure if the revelation was actually from angel Gabriel or not. He failed to understand ‘Son of God’ and its usage by Christians. There are even legendary stories of Isha in the Quran derived from the Catholic Bible. Even the scholars who has done depth study of the Quran has found it unreliable in historicity. There is no guarantee of salvation. Even Muhammad says he doesn’t know what will be happening to him! Regarding Buddha, he was not a god. The concept of reincarnation in Buddhism also has logical, philosophical and practical challenges. The Buddhism scripture are also accompanied with legends. He was indeed historic figure, but not divine. There is no guarantee that we will have nirvana.

Out of these all, Jesus’ entrance to this world was not by chance! He entered into the human world after many and many accurate prophesies regarding where he shall be born, what his life would be, how he shall be ministering people, how he shall be betrayed by his own disciple, how he shall be arrested and handed over his enemies, how he shall suffer, die and again come to life! His entrance was from a virgin (no sexual relation and its essence is different from other worldviews like that of Hindu stories). His teachings made people stunned as he taught with authority, Jewish leaders admitted his words the most remarkable ever they had heard from anyone. His miracles and authority onto nature, diseases, demons, etc. His claims to be God as a result of which Jewish leaders charged him of blasphemy! The evidences he provided for his divinity by his actions, teachings and practical living a sinless and blameless life! His power to forgive sins, walking on water, raising dead people, feeding thousands of people with just 5 breads and 2 fishes, his suffering, his denial, his death on cross, and his resurrection held the testimony that he was the one whom Jewish were waiting to be their Messiah! The fulfillment of all prophesies! His resurrection proved with strength that he is God. The greatest miracle ever! He gave true hope of life and assurance of salvation and right to become children of God. He claimed to be the only way to God. He laid his own life to save the entire humans. He was rejected so that we shall be accepted to God. He died so that we can get life. He is practical example for us! That’s why I believed him. In him I found truth, in him I found a loving God, in him I found a caring God, in him I found light and way back to God. In him was no sin, in him was no rule of death. When I see Jesus I learn the life. God himself came down to learn what it means to be a human! How it feels likely to be tempted. How it feels when rejected, when betrayed, when suffered, when separated from God! Dear friend, I will give you time, bring me at least one of such God from any religions you wish under historical basis, testimonials and witnesses. Analyze yourself friend what’s the different between Jesus and others like Horus, Hercules, Indra, Vishnu, Allah, Mahaveer, Sai Baba, Buddha, Guru Nanak, Zeus, Krishna, Rama anyone.

I don’t reject others, I respect these all but I cannot believe them as God. Jesus is Hobson’s choice. Study yourself, what has Krishna, Rama, Buddha, etc. have to say about themselves. If you take away Buddha from Buddhism, yet the Buddhism remains because Buddha never said to see him but his dharma and his teachings. If you remove Rama, Krishna, etc. from Hinduism, yet it doesn’t matter for Hinduism as the karmic cycle and reincarnation still exist and people have various means to attain moksha no matter if there is assurance or not. If you removed Muhammad, then also Islam exist for its foundation is four pillars. They are pointing to a particular way or a teaching, Jesus points to himself! Remove Jesus from Christianity, the next day all churches shall be turned to museum and the Bible remains just a book! Everyone came, made us realize and helped to discover our problems and left with the solutions. Jesus came, and gave himself to be with us! In life of storms and higher ocean waves, Jesus stands there and says you to focus on him not the storms. He compares himself with the 7 essence of life: bread of life, light of the world, true vine, the door, good shepherd, resurrection and life and way, life and truth.

My friend, Jesus came to take your burden of life. To forgive you and take you back to God. Whenever you go through sorrows and pain, Jesus never remains as audience but partakes with you saying my child come let us cross these hurdles together. I am always with you! Just trust and believe me! We find a redeeming God in Jesus. Once our hope was lost. Our relationship with God was almost put to climax. Then Jesus came to take our blame and redeem us from the eternal burning flame so that we shall put our assurance on eternal aim! All have tried to reach God but Jesus brought that God to us. He came as a friend. Religion is actually not our search for God but God’s search for us. Analyze yourself, study yourself and feel yourself my friend. The choice and decision is yours.

[Note: Please do not consider it as a convincing approach rather it was my personal attempt to approach atheism in a general ground] 

I am thankful to brother Sabin Panta, a Civil Engineering Graduate from Pulchowk, Koinonia church for these questions and helping me to walk ahead in field of theology and apologetics. 

God bless you 



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