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A struggle for survival


Written in Aug. 28, 2020. 

[I should have written it yesterday but couldn't give time. There is missing in track and flow but I hope you can grab me what I am trying to deliver. This write up is merely based on feeling I had yesterday late night while working with my friend. Your criticism, feedback and suggestion highly appreciated.]

Being a conscious and moral being, we human have been recognized as ontologically distinct from rest of the animal kingdom. According to discovery of prehistory and ancient civilization, human beings always have going through a series of struggle and evolution for the quest of survival. 

Coping with the necessity under realization of changing environment, there were tremendous development carried out. "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" has not been said in vain. Notice that even animals and birds have capacity to invent such as spider building his own home using its web building feature, hives of honey bee and so on. What makes us different from them? The invention of human never remained the same but had series and sequence of evolution with new ideas, thoughts, methods, analysis, and manipulation. 

In this modern world, there is growing population and more challenging environment added. There is more quest for survival. People are concerned about their career. They gain higher level of education, health benefits, social connectivity, economical and financial status and employment to sustain their life. Looking ahead of the time and inputting an estimation, they realize higher degree of struggle will be going on. Hence, they give best to their present life a serious time to preliminary preparation. 

I have seen people worrying about their future career. They engage in motivational session to generate their self-esteem, they enroll in various training to gain skill and experience, they spend in collecting information through different resources, they run for collecting certificate and earning money has been a major demand for them. This is all a quest for survival. Life is a struggle and one must move with different hurdles. 

Basically, human has been spending their time in such a busy way that they do not give time to realize about life. Who we are, from where we came, why we are here, and where is our destination. Many religious dogma and philosophical ideology has been developed to answer this. Human beings have always struggled with these questions indeed but they could never ponder on it. Today even the term "God" has received many usage and meaning depending on individual life experience.  

Human beings are in need of guidance to realize the reality of their life. The birth, survival and death has always been a common chain for people since history but it is time to question now is our life just limited to these? Or is there more to this life we have to discover ? Is this world and origin of life just by a chance and naturalistic evolution? It is true that humanism has always tried to replace God with alternative option because they don't wish to submit themselves to supernatural control and will. As a believer, Biblical insight shows this issue beginning right away from the Garden of Eden. Living independent from God was the initial error that caused chaos and ruined humanity. That's why, regardless of struggle and tremendous development, human heart has always been suffering as if there is still something missing, something isn't going well. 

Its appreciable that human are really concerned about his future and career but he has been limiting himself in a deeper insight about life beyond the materialistic survival. Meanwhile his heart has always been in struggle to find meaning of his existence. As a believer and follower of Christ, isn't it our duty to make people realize about their life value and reality of their existence ? Shall we just let human move on in a way they have always been? Or is it high time to give a helping hand so they can at least have an opportunity to ponder what their existence mean in this vast universe?

God bless!

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  1. Thanks for this blog though i read and reply lately, but i always encouraged and enjoy reading your articles, keep sharing my friend, indeed we need to help people understanding, the most and vital question that who we are? , where i am going? , and about the destination? thanks again
