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How to discuss with Hindus about faith? || Conversation tactics || 2025 || Apologetics || Inter-religion interaction || Hinduism & Christianity


Note: All the word-play is our work but the proper ordering of dialogues is done with the help of AI. We don't have any references here as these are merely output of years of study and engagement with varieties of resources. Finally, it is a peer-reviewed article and has been revised on basis of suggestions.

A Dialogue on Religious Understanding

On Jesus and Hindu Beliefs

Hindu: I am a Hindu. I too believe in Jesus and the Bible.

Christian: Logically speaking, you are telling us that your religion isn't logical? Because your opinion fails non-contradiction test of logic. What do you precisely mean by saying you believe in Jesus? Do you believe in Jesus' existence? Or also his teaching? And if you also claim to believe the Bible then you are believing something that contradicts your own belief at the same time! What makes you a Hindu doesn't make you an honest follower of Jesus.

Hindu: We believe that Jesus was a great guru and siddha purusha to us!

Christian: Are you telling us that He is the Only Great Teacher and Siddha Purusha in the whole human history? That's because he certainly claims to be the only perfect man!

On Religious Teachings

Hindu: We believe that Jesus also taught love, forgiveness and kindness just as other did.

Christian: And you are doing vague association. Just because Jesus taught love, forgiveness and kindness, that doesn't make him same as others like Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Jain, Nanak, etc. Love, forgiveness, etc. are God imputed moral conscience in humanity. But we must ask what sort of love, forgiveness Jesus taught to settle the discussion!

On Divine Relations

Hindu: We believe Krishna is the Father of Jesus.

Christian: Are you trying to say that only through Jesus, one can access to Krishna and in Jesus, Krishna manifested himself? Because that's what Jesus actually did! He revealed us God the Father!

Hindu: Jesus didn't talk who God the Father was. But Krishna hints in the Gita that he is the source and father. Wouldn't that conclude Krishna as Jesus' Father?

Christian: Jesus repeatedly talked about God the Father and his special relationship with him. God the Father repeatedly verified Jesus' perfect mission. Jesus clearly taught that the Father is manifested through him. Indeed, he showed God the Father! But Krishna never talked about someone who would be coming to redeem humanity nor did Jesus talked ever about his many past avatars! So, in none of the ways, Krishna could be Jesus' Father.

On Religious Identity and Birth

Hindu: You know what? PK movie has a good question: If God wanted me to be a Christian then I would have born in a Christian family.

Christian: So the movie is basically trying to teach that the same God is allowing us to born in different religious family which in return giving us different knowledge of that God? So that God wants a person A to be a Buddhist and believe in karma and non-existence as ultimate goal while the same God wants another person B to be a Christian and believe in Christ for the ultimate redemption? Such a God is more dangerous than a devil.

On Religious Unity

Hindu: Look my friend, All gods are same and one.

Christian: So basically you are telling us that there is only one God because if two or more entities with same nature exists, then that's actually one entity. From another perspective, if all gods are same and one then none gods exist, because it violates laws of logic. Your Krishna cannot be Jesus sacrificing himself for our sins and Yahweh cannot be Allah who doesn't even have a son! Buddha cannot be Jesus who taught Nirvana but Jesus taught eternal destination. It violates law of identity!

Hindu: But anyway! The Bible doesn't have advance science.

Christian: Would you have then allowed your schools and university to teach the Bible if it had advance science teachings in it? Furthermore, why would you expect the Bible to teach advance science? You don't even need any religion to do that. But what's your conclusion after observing the advancing science? To think there isn't God? To think humans are nothing in this universe? To think we have no purpose in this world? To think the world merely came by chance? If so, then the Bible doesn't meet your expectations. The Bible indeed is here to answer those questions. Point to be noted that many great scientists and thinkers were more theists and even Christians who helped develop modern science. And the Bible is there to direct us to the one who is behind all these laws of nature.

On Multiple Paths

Hindu: Why couldn't be Jesus one of many gods or avatars? That would sound much better!

Christian: Even we wish it could be the case! But unfortunately, its just opposite! Why would Jesus bother to add himself in that list of gurus, gods or avatars if he is to come again with same mission? Why would Jesus come to teach again the same thing Buddha taught? Buddhists would have spread Buddha's teaching all over the world before Jesus would even born! Why would Jesus let Muhammad or Sai Baba to repeat the same teachings while whatever he came to do, he already did and is now continued by himself through us by empowerment of the Holy Spirit? That wouldn't sound much better but weird!

On Karma and Salvation

Hindu: We have karma and reincarnation. We don't need Jesus.

Christian: Well, that's fine. We respect your decision. But just be sure to realize what karma and reincarnation really has to offer you and test whether you really have a true hope to moksha. In Jesus, you indeed get a new life in this very age, a transformation of spirit, mind and body. You get a new heart that makes you a new man. And this is through grace not karma. So, if you are capable to attain moksha by karma and reincarnation then that's fine otherwise don't worry, Jesus is there for you!


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