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God's voice, God's work, God's agents and God's provision!


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Whenever we recommend any books, websites, blogs or videos for any particular topics, many Christians often come forward with objection: 

"We should listen to God’s voice and his guidance and the word but not theologians, and theological books!"

Really? Does it hold any water? 

I, however, do not deny that we should listen to God's voice and rely on the written scripture. Many conservative Christians from Pentecostal or Baptist church take high view of listening to God's voice or the scripture. But, when we recommend any resources, we are not even trying to replace the Bible's authority rather we are trying to equip believers to better understand the Bible. 

Did the Bible fall down straight from the heaven or God used human agents to write ad compile it down?

When we are reading the Bible, are we listening God’s voice alone or his messages through Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Ruth, Solomon, Peter, James, Paul, etc.?

If we have no problem with them because God was working through them, then isn’t it also the case today that God is raising up peoples and working through them to communicate with us? Let us be honest, right? 

We don’t necessarily need a hard-core Pentecostal-Charismatic belief that God should speak to us directly or Baptist-Reformed belief that God only speaks through the scripture. Its all God's choice of how He wants to communicate us. In addition, it is also our sincere duty to test everything in light of documented scriptural truth! Either God's voice or ongoing scholarly works in theology shouldn't contradict the written scripture.

All in all, let us be very thankful for all the vessels God has called to be useful for his purpose and get his work of kingdom done on earth.


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