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Resources Dose: Ask RTB



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It is a featured app of Reasons to Believe ministry founded by Dr. Hugh Ross. He has a team who work on connecting science and faith. This ministry focuses on bridging faith with science and showing that Christian faith is no rival to science.

Besides theology and apologetics, RTB is concerned about creation doctrine and questions that haunts curious mind in areas of creation vs evolution. To be more precise, RTB hold to Old Earth Creationism and ponders their position towards Day-Age interpretation. Any believer who hold to Day-Age form of Old Earth Creationism can find this ministry really fascinating. They discuss various issues related to evolution, pre-historic human, dinosaurs, Big Bang and so on. The ministry also argues for intelligent design cases.

The app is very simple and akin to gotquestions. However, the app is designed for questions related with science and faith. It looks very simple and user can enter key words to search answers for the questions. They also provide relevant resources for further study. User, who are interested in field of science and trying to ensure if Christian faith can interact with science, may find this app useful. However, the team is entirely concordist in their approach.

They have a big website where user can be benefited. This app might be under development but can be helpful to users for brief answers.

Before using this app, be sure of these particulars:

·         The team uses Concordism

·         The team holds to Day-Age form of Old Earth Creationism

·         The team holds to vast regional flood interpretation

·         The team holds death before fall

·         The team affirms the Big Bang cosmology

·         The team denies evolution

User can explore their website and You Tube channel to learn more about science and faith interaction. Hope this app proves to be helpful!

Note: To know the meaning of Concordism, please use this key word to search contents in this blog.  

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