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Are we trying to Measure God from our measuring units?


I have a measuring tape of 5 m. I just thought it more than enough to measure the width of my house, considering it to be a massive measure. From my perspective, the width of my house seemed so small. I usually roam around the terrace at almost the Eastern side like an exercise and always thought how little the width of my house was! However, when I was confident with my 5 m measure tape to measure the width of terrace, I was shocked to see the measure tape almost ended before reaching the other side of terrace! I initially assumed it as more than enough and the width as very small. I was wrong! The tape wasn't enough to measure even the width! My perspective was wrong as I considered the unit value as larger but the width as smaller based upon my observation. 

In our life, sometimes we view God lesser in worth. Sometimes we think, even he cannot do anything in our life. We have been trapped with our suffering and struggle. We begin to see God from our perspective. We find him small, silent, measurable and fit him within our tiny brain matrix. We use our measure which we think to be massive! We think our life issues are overwhelming! We think our struggle is an ocean! We willingly make different parameter of our life as a massive measure. But when we compare our life struggle with God, they fail to measure as greater as God! Our God is immeasurable (Isa. 40:25)! Otherwise, we use our own measurement to measure our life... and put ourselves in troubles. We even view God as passive, measurable, tiny and worthless in midst of our life struggle, depression, challenges and so on. But when we attempt to measure God, we find none of our measurement unit can fit him! He is that great and mighty! Our personal perspective failed us but not the object of perspective!

God's nature, his attributes, his essence, his grace, his love, his wrath, his providence, his mercy, his judgement and his office aren't that easy packages to be measured by our perspective (Ps. 145:3; 147:5; 139:6, Isa. 55:9, Rom. 11:33, 1 Cor. 2:10-12). He is beyond what we can assume or imagine about him! In our naturalistic, animistic, polytheistic environment, people try to measure their gods and limit them according to functions, essence, nature, attributes, designation and so on. They measure their gods according to their need, environment and demand. If one fails, they try getting another. They form their personal gods using their perspective. They attempt to explain their gods from their perspective. Sometime to justify their works, sometime to bless their works, sometime to judge others and sometime to have a comforter. Our God isn't such God. We have no measuring tape and perspective to measure him. We might see him sometimes silent, small and deistic but when we measure him with our units, we soon get exhausted and realize his greatness!

But it’s so blessed that he has revealed himself to humanity and given us the recorded scripture through which we can improve our perspective at right angle and dimension. The scripture itself speaks that He is beyond our mind. But the scripture has been provided with adequate features through which we can see God and measure him (Deut. 29:29). Our measurement can fail but he has given us the right way to measure with the right tool so that we can understand him adequately although not entirely. So, are we still measuring him with our measuring tools thinking we have massive issues in life and he is smaller god?


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