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The Dark Face of Apologetics


    The field of Apologetics is profound and dynamic. It has been growing even in Nepal from minute efforts of enthusiastic Men of God. In present scenario, there has been tremendous development and emphasis on this field in every denomination under Christendom. The growth of Apologetics is mind blowing in our context and also alarming against the risk it can bring.

    So far, the necessity and essence of Apologetics are focused whenever there is course on Apologetics. First, there is Apologetics of the Apologetics in light of Biblical teaching and then the premise gets widespread towards its scope.[i] The Apologetics team are also rapidly evolving in India. We don’t have to discuss Western world on this. Nepal seems a newly born child in this field and yet learning to walk correctly. Perhaps, in near future, every denomination will definitely teach and train believers in this field.

    While there are merits of the field, we should never make error to keep aside its dark face. The Apologetics doesn’t only function as sustaining our faith but it also has a miserable power to draw us away from our faith and fade the relationship with Triune God. As much as Apologetics is beneficial, it is also dangerous in our life to the same degree. Saying this, there is no intention of discouraging enthusiastic mind from approaching this field. However, we always must be cautious. How we are approaching to this field and how we are using it in our life are vital considerations.  

    The most vital element in the field of Apologetics is ‘Knowledge’. One must have vast information related to scripture, hermeneutics, languages, science, philosophy, logic, history, archaeology, sociology and so on. Apologists often try to correct others with the knowledge they acquire. Sometimes, they become arrogant with over-filled knowledge (1 Cor. 8:1). Depending upon the nature of an individual, the field of Apologetics can give him a flame of feeling Superiority.[ii]

Certain considerable dark face of Apologetics we must pay attention:

ü  A substitute for Christ in our mind, priority, thirst and giving the worth.

ü  Declining humility and inclining arrogancy.

ü  Creating an environment of arguments, debates and cold-war in either cases of unnecessity or irrelevancy.

ü  Critical and over-judging attitude.

ü  A feeling of Superiority as if one has all knowledge.

ü  Becoming attackers, abusers, haters and critics towards opposite premise.

ü  Making brothers and sisters in Christ as opponents under theological disagreements.

ü  Rejection of company with friends who disagrees with one’s position.

ü  The relationship between believers, churches, denominations and sects turn bitter.

ü  Reading the Bible for sake of knowledge, building arguments and attacking others’ views.

ü  Wasting precious time of life in unnecessary research which can be indeed utilized with personal life business.

ü  Immensely focusing on non-essential issues and becoming a maniac.

ü  One can be a biased researcher in an attempt to show the field of Christianity right in every aspect while other wrong and worthy to be condemned.

ü  One can misuse the field, ministry and power to fulfil his personal desires.

ü  One can heavily rely on their own knowledge, tactics, understanding, wisdom and analytical power rather than guidance of God’s Spirit.

ü  The heavy dose of Apologetics can make us intolerant towards others even on the fields that Apologetics doesn’t concern.

ü  The field of Apologetics can be over-used in everyday life issues.

ü  Making a harsh attitude unnecessarily and beyond the relevant situation.[iii]


    Lewis knew, as should we, that the ultimate ground of Christian faith is not our arguments but God Himself. Thus, he concluded that apologists can be saved only by falling back continually from the web of our own arguments, as from our intellectual counters, into the reality—from Christian apologetics into Christ Himself. That also is why we need one another’s continual help—oremus pro invicem. (Let us pray for each other.)[iv]


Certain considerations:

ü  The conclusion to which apologist point is not necessarily the clear-cut evidence as they might first appear. A good example can be archaeological discoveries that are open to interpretation since it is a reconstruction that only has access to certain pieces of evidence.

ü  Some form of Apologetics is inherently limited in their capabilities. For instance, archaeological evidence cannot speak to theology. Even if it indicates certain event did occur, it doesn’t necessarily speak of God behind that event.

ü  Our faith is not on arguments but in Christ. Arguments must not be centerpiece of our faith. Our faith is not in apologetics but God to whom it points.

ü  Every forms of Apologetics do have limitations. It isn’t necessary that these methods prove to be convincing. They aren’t magnet that attracts iron materials as soon as they encounter the field.    

ü  Faith is not just intellectual belief and presentation. It is a belief that leads to action. When we are convicted and have assurance of things not seen, this should lead us to live a life like those listed in Hebrews 11. Faith that does not act is dead.[v]

    The field of Apologetics is necessary but we must be careful while involving in this field. We must clearly know what the intended purpose of Apologetics really is and what the scripture actually suggests us regarding enrollment in this field. Let us not discourage the field and let us not over-focus the field either. Everything has its merit, demerit, limit, impact and outcome. Let’s be serious with proper discipline of using this field.


Thank you.  

Also read related article in Nepali: Here!


[i] Brian Auten, “A Case for Apologetics,” Apologetics315, September 8, 2008, accessed July 19, 2022,

[ii] Matt Slick, “What Are Some of the Dangers of Apologetics?,” Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, October 30, 2016, accessed July 19, 2022,

[iii] Ibid.

[iv] “C.S. Lewis on the Danger of Apologetics,” accessed July 19, 2022,

[v] “The Dangers of Apologetics,” The Daily Apologist, accessed July 19, 2022,

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