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Why Suffering?


Suffering in Christian life...

The question often overflows among the believers why do they need to suffer in this world despite receiving Jesus in their life? The suffering is one of the many factors people give up believing in God and following religions. Of course, any queries associated with suffering are difficult to answer either. I can bet none of you can claim to live a life without suffering. We suffer physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and socially in everyday life.

As a student of applied science and civil engineering, I got to know the value of suffering in my life which began right from the end of my intermediate in science (+2 level, physical group) and a life of great stress and pain right before the commencement of my bachelor level of study in civil engineering. I was almost at a miserable decision to quit studying! But my Lord sustained my life through the darkest caves of my life. I can still feel the tears and hopeless moments.   

Science and engineering have helped me a lot to somehow acknowledge why we still have suffering and sorrows in life even after believing Jesus. This is often a common question as stated earlier. Many people backslide in their journey. Some returns back to Lord while some don’t. I had many atheist friends during my intermediate level of study as a science major. Most of them also had the same issue.

At the Bachelor's level of study, we had many sessions on earthquakes and the science of building technology. The concept of engineering got gradually changed after attending such sessions. What we usually think in normal life turned out to be a myth while the reality was shocking. An engineer's house is never built with crack resistance feature rather the building is built in such an intelligent manner that the cracks form in the right places that release the energy and protects the building from risk. The common perception that the more the building is rigid the more it remains safe is false. It is more vulnerable to destruction. It needs rather flexibility indeed. Engineering philosophy doesn’t assure liberation from damage but assures safety. It is good if the helmet breaks during an accident which indeed protects our head region. The vaccine needs to be injected to protect the body from diseases. Engineers construct an earthquake-resistant building and not earthquake-proof.

Likewise, sorrows and sufferings that we bear in life are not for our destruction but God has a purpose for it (Romans 8:18, 2 Cor. 4:17, James 1:2-4, 12, 1 Peter 4:12-13). He uses struggles to make us come on the right track in spiritual life (Romans 5:3). We experience his great love and care when we go through sufferings in our life. Yet we learn to put our trust in him just as Job did. That’s why God has not promised us a pleasurable life without any sorrows and breakdowns rather he promises to strengthen us more by taking us through such a path (2 Cor. 4:8-10; 1 Peter 5:10). Remember, Jesus, God incarnate himself, had to suffer throughout his life (Isa. 53:3, Luke 14:27, 1 Peter 2:19-21, 4:1). Likewise, all his disciples had to suffer.[1]

Hence, we do not stumble and get hopeless. Suffering isn’t our end nor it is any kind of unfair environment God has given to us. Keep your eyes and focus on Jesus and not suffering. God never gives up upon you.

Thank you

[1] अहिलेका प्रचलित झूटा शिक्षाहरु,” NepalChurch.Com, August 13, 2013, accessed June 27, 2022,

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