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Are Scripture and Science Rival?


Are scripture and science rival?


Perhaps, one of the basic reasons why we often think Bible shouldn’t contradict with scientific discoveries or vice versa due to 2 Timothy 3:16. Most Christians believe that Bible has to be final authority on whatever it speaks or reveals regardless of spiritual aspect, history, science, etc. The belief of sola scriptura innovates Christians that we must always believe and hold firm to what Bible teaches. We go for scripture on any matter even if science is found in opposition.

The usual mind of natural people is that they believe in scientifically proven things. Most people are fond of looking from scientific perspective for credibility of faith and religion otherwise these are marked as ‘Blind faith’, ‘Superstition’, etc. People feel that the superiority of the scripture can be established if they could show scientific reliability of the scripture. E.g. the scripture foretold the Earth is spherical long ago before the actual scientific discovery! Isa. 40:22?

However, if any scientific area seems contradicting the scripture, either we have to go for science or the scripture. But we are taught throughout the church history that scripture is inspired Word of God! Therefore, the former must also be wrong! Modern debates regarding this rivalry touches certain scientific subjects such as evolution. The book of Genesis is more than enough to produce extreme queries (I’m pretty sure you’ll have tons of questions right there at First chapter!).

The present generation needs to ask not just whether science is at right lane but also whether we have really understood the scripture! The Big Bang, evolution, Noahic flood, dinosaurs, Flat earth, etc. are frequently objected subjects. It is an important concern whether the scripture was written to cover all generation of people independent of time[1] or God was conveying theological messages to his people in their own language of that time? Just because God cannot lie and his word are everlasting truth, wouldn’t he have also taught scientific truths to the people? Or, scientific concern wasn’t even true appetite of the contemporary world to whom God was communicating to?[2]

There is still another challenge to consider. Even in science itself, many fields have progressive phenomena. The discoveries continue and today’s conclusion might be tomorrow’s myth. That is to say, the more the discoveries keep occurring, there are even certain revisions in the science itself. Was God then teaching something that even modern science hasn’t reached to a firm conclusion?

Is it even possible that whatever topics we take from the Bible and ponder our anxiety on it, was the text really referring to scientific knowledge or something else? E.g. Eve made out of Adam’s Rib (Hebrew: tselsa i.e. צֵלָע). Was that ‘Rib’ associated with modern idea of cloning? Or it was something else in meaning to the ancient author and audience?[3]

Concordism[4]: Most frequently used, it is either an attempt to extract modern scientific information from scriptural passages[5] or Reading modern science in the scripture.[6] It’s not ‘eisegesis’ nor ‘heretical teaching’ but ‘bad interpretation’[7]. However, its sarcastic to admit that we all have been following this approach![8] E.g. Rib is the bone that regenerates[9], Earth was covered with massive opaque atmospheric layer due to greenhouse gases that’s why Sun, Moon and Stars were made visible only later[10], Four corners are four directions, the explanation of Behemoth and Leviathan sounds like dinosaurs, etc. Does this approach helps proving the inspiration of the Bible or adds more problems?

Reading the way original audience grasped it: This approach teaches that ‘Framework’ is not of concern but the ‘messages’ that has been conveyed was important aka Vehicle-Cargo approach.[11] God used the normal understanding of the original audience to convey his theological messages to them. Its just like small children are taught to sing: ‘Twinkle twinkle, little star.’ Science students or any students in higher classes are pretty sure how little stars are! But they sang the song once! So, were they deceived by teachers? Next, if my friend is very hungry, would I explain him how digestive system functions to produce sensation of hunger or would I take him to any hotel for feeding? Hence, this group admits that scripture is inspired independent of any scientific teaching embedded on it. Meanwhile, the concordist think it makes God accommodating to false knowledge of the people and affects the inspiration of the scripture.[12] Some seems to be neutral on these both debates such as William Craig.

So, we have to explore both sides going deeper into historical and cultural context of the Bible (usually this needs Biblical theology) and we also need to check how honest innovations are done in science field on origin, geology, cosmology, evolution, etc.[13] Can scientific findings have any space in the scripture? Does scripture validate modern scientific findings if it had no scientific interest and concern? Otherwise, either science needs revision or scripture needs revising its interpretation.    

 Thank you

[1] Watch from 29:52: Kent Hovind OFFICIAL, Can Evolution Fit within the Bible? Kent Hovind vs. Inspiring Philosophy 1-1-2019, You Tube: 1:36:05,

[2] Inspiring Philosophy, The Ancient Cosmos: Cultural Context of the Biblical World, You Tube: 16:52,

[3] Dan Kimball, How (Not) to read the Bible, Zondervan Reflective, 2020, pdf P. 329/509

[4] One of the common approaches to Scripture that attempts to extend meaning beyond the biblical author’s original intentions is called concordism. Concordist interpreters claim there is a convergence between God’s Word and God’s world and suggest ways that a more sophisticated scientific understanding of the world can be integrated with statements of Scripture—admittedly applying meaning to the words of Scripture that the author would never have been aware of., accessed on 5/18/2022

[5] Taking the first view about Concordism from P. 47/675, In Quest of the Historical Adam by William Lane Craig; Also Type A Concordism from

[6] Taking the second view about Concordism from P. 47/675, In Quest of the Historical Adam by William Lane Craig; Also Type B Concordism from

[7] Reasonablefaith with William Lane Craig, Concordism, November 11, 2013,, accessed on 5/18/2022

[8] Eternal productions, 101 Scientific Facts and Foreknowledge,, accessed on 5/18/2022

[9] Carl Wieland, Regenerating ribs: Adam and that ‘missing’ rib,, accessed on 5/18/2022

[10] Dr. Hugh Ross, Hazy Early Earth: More Affirmation of Creation Day 4, June 18, 2018,, accessed on 5/18/2022

[11] Vern S. Poythress, Interpreting Eden: A Guide to Faithfully Reading and Understanding Genesis 1-3, Foreword by D.A. Carson, Crossway, 2019, P. 67-68/402

[12] Dr. Oakes, Is the question of inerrancy at stake in the time periods of creation, in the possibility that Adam/Eve are symbolic and in the global flood of Noah? December 16, 2013,, accessed on 5/18/2022

[13] Refer to Type C ‘Concordism’ from and perhaps the third view about Concordism from P. 47/675, In Quest of the Historical Adam by William Lane Craig

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