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Responding Radical Thinkers on Christmas


Christmas Poem: A Criticism over radical thinkers


Praised be Jesus who gives us peace and a hope over struggleful life,

But I am shameful to my own community who debates December 25.


Everyone does have a freedom to exercise the celebration with joy,

The hyper always get rise in opposition to play with us as if we are toy.


Does the Bible need to list every specific instruction? Is that what Bible for?

Asking every year where Christmas is permitted, don’t be such narrower.


Every intellectual Christians knows the history of Christmas celebration,

Why don’t you people rather share the gospel despite generating the tension?


Is Christmas a pagan festival or replaced celebration of Sun-god, really?

We request you to revise the history without committing Genetical fallacy.


Dec. 25 is not an authoritative birth date of Jesus; we all can agree on!

Our concern is never about the date; but its core message and declaration.


Christmas doesn’t make Christianity a paganly contaminated religious system,

Rather it brings all denominations together to cheer up on fundamentalism.  

Thank You 






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