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Our ethics in professional life


Q. What shall a Christian engineer do if the project is about construction of temples, stupa or mosque?

Ans. Most probably church leaders, pastor or even particular members might not recommend it because a Christian engineer is going to enroll in project of idolatry worship place.

First, there is no engineer such as "Biblical engineer". It’s not a profession of priesthood or religious leadership. Its associated with science and its application for social benefits and development of infrastructures. It’s not about study of metaphysics and supernatural realm. So, they are involved only in planning, design, estimation, costing, supervision and finishing. They only see structure and not any particular place. Usually such worship places are categorized under assembly building which includes churches, mosque, temples, etc. as per IS code. priesthood, worship or anything related to religious activities aren't hence a matter of concern for them.

Next, it is obvious that they are enrolled in constructing such places that they are ought to oppose. constructing temples etc. is indeed working for place of idol worship and rather than approaching to people for gospel they are enrolling themselves in their worship place construction. If we refrain from tika, prasad and all then we should try best to refrain from it too.

However, this isn't just about temples. Even a casual residential house, hospital, restaurant and all buildings are probably worshipped and dedicated to their gods. Observe the religious ceremony of opening new buildings. They are dedicated to gods by performing all rituals. Hence, knowing this, Christian engineers are already then involved in constructing anything that will be definitely dedicated to their gods and worshipped. Should they leave profession then? No!

Their responsibility! They are ought to examine the project at first place. All engineers who study project engineering are well aware with conducts and engineering ethics. They can simply give the responsibility that is related with any idol worship to their friends and they themselves can work in safe place. remember! majority of Hindu worldview in our place is pantheistic! You are god for them in first place in that sense! So, you cannot say not to enroll in such project except the selection of work that is safe to your ethics! An engineer is to examine all aspects of project and decide how to move ahead! There you can then ask Holy Spirit to guide you and he will guide your dilemma! But thinking you are engaged in a temple construction that would be associated with idolatry, remember you are born and surviving in a pantheistic society where you pay for a bus which is also dedicated to their respective god!

Make sure, engineering also has its ethics and proper management aspects. So be wise since God is with you!

[Note: Dear all readers, please don't misunderstand my insight on this issue. I am not promoting super freedom of which I don't even have any authority.]

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