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Interaction on Worldviews-2019 with Rev. Dr. Balkrishna Sharma organized by NBCBS

Reflection and Review on Interaction on Worldview

(Original date of the post created: 1st April, 2019, Monday.)

First of all, I would like to express my heartily gratitude towards CBS for organizing such an essential program on Worldview discussion and interaction with non-Christian friends held on 16th February at Tyrannus hall, Balkumari. With an invitation to Rev. Dr. Balkrishna Sharma for discussion on worldviews and interaction with non-Christian students, the program was successfully conducted achieving its goal. I would like to appreciate and admire the CBS team to keep on moving to spread the kingdom of God and sharing gospel via different approaches to non-Christian students.  

Although I was also assigned some specific task on that very day, I was unable to attend the event due to my exam time. Therefore, I do apologize for my absence on that day. At the same time, thank you all who had attended the event and especially to Rev. Dr. Balkrishna Sharma for giving his precious time for the students who are willing to learn.

After watching all the uploaded videos on the YouTube, I really admired the program. The systematic method of Rev. Dr. Balkrishna Sharma on an explanation of worldview and answering queries of non-believers was appreciable and excellent. I was really fascinated to learn new things about civilization and worldviews. Currently, my area of serving God is also through discussion on worldviews and apologetics. I had a keen interest in this area for a few years and still learning. From my own perspective, I, therefore, found those videos very useful for both believers and non-believers.

Additionally, the questions raised by non-Christian friends fascinated me as those questions are still common in our society. I do hope that the answers given by Balkrishna uncle have helped a lot and his way of answering was very good which we should also learn. The issues on religions, worldviews, science, and philosophy are important to know, understand, study and learn. Being a Bible believer, we should defend our faith against all criticism and objections. It is our primary duty and responsibility to share the gospel with people. For this, we need to have knowledge in different areas as well just as Paul in his time.

I would like to bring some of my suggestion to Christian students:

1.     Sharing gospel is not as easy as we generally think. We need to cope with environment influenced by science, philosophies, and religions. Hence, we should be updated with all these areas focusing their teachings and impact on people. Gospel is one but the way of sharing differs on the basis of the environment in which we are living. Therefore, we should have a keen interest in learning worldviews as well.

2.     It is not only worship for which God has called us in his kingdom but also to defend the truth which we call apologetics. It is a high time I have realized that current youth Christian as well as students should have a keen interest in this. Sometimes, people are having a struggle with criticism against the Bible and our faith in Christ. We are compelled to face different questions and objections. Some people lose their faith and get backslide as well. Hence, we must show to the people that our faith is not a blind faith but an evidence-based faith. We believe the Bible and the Bible is historically, archaeologically, and scientifically evidential book. We can believe in the Bible with no doubt on it.  

Finally, I expect such programs to be conducted in future by CBS even on apologetics and worldviews. This makes us more aware that the faith that we have today is based on volumes of evidence, the scripture which we meditate on is fully divinely inspired and the God whom we believe and have a relationship with, He is the highest.

We are not ashamed of the gospel and are always ready to share it to the world.

Added insight:

(Videos link embedded under permission)


Part 1:

A general introduction to Rev. Dr. Bal Krishna Sharma and Worldviews/Religions. Here, you can get to know about these subjects:

i.                    How many major religions are there?

ii.                  Where did all of them originate?

iii.                Why are those religions categorized under major religions?

iv.                Are those all theistic religions?



Part 2:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    Why isn’t Animism/Nature worshipping religion categorized under major?

ii.                  Why is religion the longest living ideology?

iii.                Four main ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egyptian, Chinese and Indus) and why we must begin at these civilizations to begin our talk on Christianity?

iv.                How is the Bible related to Mesopotamia civilization?



Part 3:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    Four main ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egyptian, Chinese and Indus).

ii.                  Monotheism and Animism and Bible

iii.                How did Animism begin?

iv.                Information on Aryans, Harappa, Mohenjo Daro civilizations and their basic difference from Mesopotamia civilization in light of religious practice.

v.                  The origin of the Rig Veda.



Part 4:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    Beginning of Vedic religion and Judaism in world history.

ii.                  Linear and Cyclic Worldviews

iii.                How do Omkar religions and Judeo-Christianity religions differ?

iv.                What actually is Moksha?



Part 5:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    How does Christian understanding of eternal life differ from Hinduism core understanding of Atman-Brahman unity?

ii.                  What is the major difference between Bhagavad Gita and the Bible?

iii.                The Bible is concerned with “Why” questions.



Part 6:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    Why is the Bible most practical and better than any other religious books?

ii.                  Is Christianity a religion or relationship with God?

iii.                Are all religions one and the same?



Part 7:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    Similarity in form but difference in essence

ii.                  If Jesus is said to be True God then what about other gods like Rama, Krishna, etc.?

iii.                Why does churches disallow believers even in forms such as discouraging visits to temple areas and others?



Part 8:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    What can we say about supernatural powers of Hindu gods?

ii.                  What about some observable similarities between the Bible and Vedas such as similarity in sacrificial shlokas, virgin woman, Krishna and Jesus and so on?

iii.                Image of God, its natural aspiration and General Revelation.

iv.                Issue of Bhavishya Purana and mentioning of Isa putra in it.

v.                  Challenge of Jesus’ concerns in Hindu texts.

vi.                Subject of Free will and evil.



Part 9:

Get to know about these subjects:

i.                    Free will, decision, power of darkness and essence of prayer.

ii.                  Why has God allowed evil powers to function in this world?




Original Post at:, 9/1/2021 at 11:54 pm 

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