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The Bible among Other Religious Scriptures


We live in a religious pluralistic society as salt and lights offering the water of life despite of any persecution. Out of 4200 religions, we have four major faiths: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Two former are typically known as Monotheistic Abrahamic Faiths whereas two latter are known as Omkar faiths. The Bible, the Quran, The Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita and the Tripitaka are their respective Sacred scriptures. 

I present here to you is a short analysis on the Bible among other scriptures. It is in Nepali language, a part of my second book project. This has comparative analysis of the Bible with the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the Quran and the Tripitaka. You will get the opportunity to read a compressed modified version of this document in another Nepali Apologetics book that is going to be published soon. I am thankful to sir Kamal Adhikari, Nepali apologist and a Chapter director at Reasonablefaith, for providing this opportunity. 

The document can be more useful to Nepali Christian teens and youths since they are growing intellectually and need to get the basic understanding. They need to know why we believe the Bible in midst of so many other religious books. Hope the file I share here will open a curious way to explore more about Bible's position among other sacred scriptures. 

The Original file: Get here!  

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