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Dinosaurs in the Bible? (Part 7)



Now coming back to the topic, it’s unlikely that Behemoth and Leviathan were any sort of dinosaurs. Even I had read about these prehistoric beasts with great passion when I was in school. The Bible doesn’t necessarily mention them. We are forgetting that; human beings are more concerned for God. We are created in his image.

Our focus on dinosaur issue is nothing more than trigger of Satan at garden of Eden who made Eve to focus on forbidden tree. Dinosaur isn’t requirement for trustworthiness of the Bible. No matter if they have either vanished millions of years ago as Progressive creationist believe or they co-existed with humanity as Recent creationist believe, they bear no burden in Christian living. If the point is made that co-existence of dinosaur with humanity help disproving evolution and advocating case for creation, we must not forget that even progressive creationism is advocator of creation and rival of evolution.

Whatever the subject be, there are theological reasons for those creatures explained in that terrifying manner. Theological message bears more significance than identification of the particular animal. Non-literal narration doesn’t violate Bible’s authenticity and divine inspiration.[i] They indeed are beautiful ways of expressing languages. As Prof. John Lennox said non-literal language indeed are meant to refer something real. Literal understanding isn’t a way of serious reading of the Bible.    

We need to focus on the Bible’s purpose, concern, context and spot lighting. Deut. 29:29 clearly states that secret things belong to God and revealed things are for us. We are ought to trust the revelation and not ponder our brain in speculated and dubious subjects that aren’t revealed clearly. Let us not limit the issue of Science and Bible within the unnecessary discussion but let us wonder at marvel of God’s creation and be thankful to him. Whatever he does, there is always good motive, purpose and plan. So, do we still need to know about dinosaurs? I leave this decision to the readers itself.   

-The End-


My gratitude goes to: Triune God who strengthened and guided me, my uncle Deacon Sajan Shrestha, Elder PA Thomas, Alfa Shankar and Sabin Panta

[i] As contrary to usual recent creationists’ claims: Ben Stanhope. What was Leviathan? (pdf) pg. 5/18. Available at:, 7/20, 2021, 10:46 am

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