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Dinosaurs in the Bible? (Part 5)

Valid Cases for Death before the Fall


ü  God’s command in Gen. 2:15-17 implies that Adam must have known what death is. Also Gen. 3:2-3 implies Eve also knew what death is. Some commentaries say that since there was no death prior, they had to take the commandment through faith. However, without the idea of certain thing, how is keeping faith even possible? Even superstitious belief follows after certain events or effects.[i]  

ü  Next, Gen. 2:19 describes Adam naming the animals. The Hebrew names for carnivores clearly depict the terrific meanings of terror and violence.[ii]

ü  If carnivores and predators are after effect of sin, then evolution must have happened to these animals.[iii] Therefore, we never know how tigers, lions, cheetah, vulture, etc. looked before the fall. And if animals were affected then Adam and Eve would have been affected more seriously! The point to ponder is then Adam and Eve weren’t like us in anatomy before fall.[iv] Is this what we need to conclude? I have often seen posts of Recent Creationists that they debunk evolution bringing evidences that there has been nothing anatomical and morphological changes to them over years of time period. Where is then evolution? However, this defense has been challenged by their own arguments. It’s a suicide goal!

ü  If sin affected entire universe, Romans 1:20 that accounts for general revelation is severely challenged. It clearly says God has placed his fingerprints in his created things from which we can know about a Mighty Creator of Intelligence. His cursor is everywhere in this universe so that human heart may realize his eternal attributes and intelligence.

ü  The scripture mentions nothing about death concerning animals and plant kingdoms. The creation was under curse for sure and that would be redeemed by awaiting regeneration of sons of God as Romans 8:19 depicts. Curse doesn’t necessarily always relate death.

ü  If animal death is cruelty, what we have to say on Jesus’ consuming fish himself and feeding thousands of people?[v]

ü  Reason for billions of years of life before the creation of mankind was to prepare the earth for human civilization. The lives and deaths of plants, animals, and bacteria, buried through the actions of plate tectonics, and converted through high temperatures and pressure, has left the earth with an immense supply of biodeposits.

ü  Bacteria are responsible for indirectly forming many of the concentrated metal ores found in the earth. Without all these biodeposits, modern civilization would not be possible. Most Christians believe that modern communication methods (which are dependent upon these biodeposits) will allow us to fulfill the Great Commission within this century. This alone is a great reason why God spent so much time (our time, not His) preparing the earth for human arrival.[vi]

ü  If God created dinosaurs as contemporaries of modern humans, this means that humans would have been confronted with dozens of species of carnivorous dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex and packs of velociraptors. This theology implies that carnivorous dinosaurs would have been eating humans for at least 1,400 years from the fall of Adam and Eve until the flood. Is this then God's love?[vii]

ü  All animals and plants have life in them. Even if we take in account that there was no death prior to fall. What about herbivorous animals eating up the vegetation and plants? Doesn’t this make them die?[viii] However, recent creationists propagate the view that plants aren’t alive and they don’t even die according to Biblical basis. The word translated "living" is the Hebrew word chay, which has a primary meaning of "living" or "alive." However, the word is also used in association with water (e.g., "living water"), in which it refers to water that is not stagnant, but moving. It has been assumed that since the term is not applied to plants in Genesis 1 that they must not be living. However, the term chay can apply to vegetation, in which it is usually translated as "green," referring to living plants, as opposed to brown or dead plants. So, the term chay can refer to living plants.[ix] And plants also die. Bible also compares death of humans with that of plants.[x]

ü  Prof. John Lennox, in his book Seven Days that Divides World, says animals aren’t moral beings. There is no sin associated to them. There was first fall before Adam’s fall i.e. fall of Lucifer. Hence, the terrifying long history of such suffering and death can also be the effect of the fall of Satan. Remember the sin didn’t begin from Adam but from the Satan itself.

ü  Sorrows, suffering and death cannot be always called evil.

ü  Regarding Genesis 1:29-30, it can be also understood as all living creatures’ dependency upon vegetation which we also study in eco-system! Without any trees, all carnivores will also sway away within few years! If the verse really means everyone was to feed on vegetation, that might also be local case. Remember, nothing description has been given about the environment outside the garden! Indeed, God has a beautiful plan to establish and spread his kingdom that couldn’t be done from Garden of Eden. Hence, his paradise like world couldn’t be established.

ü  Romans 5:12 and 1 Cor. 15:21 are not associated with animals and plants at all.

ü  Ben Stanhope brings something weird case that the words ‘Subdue’ and ‘rule’ used in Genesis 1:28 in Hebrew actually has harsh meaning.[xi]

ü  Isaiah 11:1-9 is another passage used to neglect death before fall. However, it is about prophetic blessing about the covenant God will make with the human domain and its livestock.[xii]

ü  My own point is that, since certain life gets sacrificed for sake of sustaining other forms of life, this depicts foreshadow of Christ’s sacrifice.

Let the readers be clear that I am not trying to prove a specific position but just bringing a suggestion that ‘death before fall’ can be a valid position without effecting the Biblical foundation. Hence, even if dinosaurs died away from any reasons 65 million years ago, this has nothing to do with our faith. Leave this matter to scientists, archaeologists, paleontologists and geologists.

[iii], 7/20/2021, 8:08 pm

[iv] Adam and Eve might have been distinct from us in anatomy since they were direct special creation of God:

However, what I was making the point that, usually Adam and Eve is believed to be same as we are except for belly button as Ideal time/Age of Appearance positioned creationist insist. So, if all predators were after effect of sin then we do not know how they looked prior to fall. Hence, what can be said of Adam and Eve? This was my point.

[v], 7/20/2021, 7:12 pm

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