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Dinosaurs in the Bible? (Part 1)

Such an Important Issue?

I haven’t recognized other topics that has been so much concerned and as reputed as dinosaurs in Science and Bible discussion. “What does the Bible really say about dinosaurs?” has been a millennium old question! I have also seen many such a posts and articles written by Christian apologetics ministries concerning these unusual beasts on social medias. It took me hard time to think why the dinosaur has been such a marvelous attraction today for Christian circle?

Take yourself a tour around, Christians today are focusing on dinosaur as if they were of some mighty beasts and has many queries about their existence. However, there were many other amazing prehistoric animals which aren’t the focal point till today! Woolly Mammoth, Dodo, Sabre-toothed cat, etc. Why aren’t they focused as much as dinosaurs have been? Why aren’t questions such as what Bible says about kangaroo or other amazing animals raised?    

Whenever the question about dinosaurs is addressed, one of the most obvious answer will be two terrifically described beasts in Job 40 and 41 namely Behemoth and Leviathan along with dragons since the very term ‘dinosaur’ was coined recently.[i] Other possible answer will be dinosaurs were created somewhere around the 5th[ii] or 6th day[iii] of creation week.[iv] A Jewish physician Dr. Gerald Schroeder[v], in his book Science of God, said they were mentioned indirectly in Gen. 1:21 on 5th day since they weren’t concern of the chapter nor the then requirement of audience.[vi]  

Children in Sunday schools are also taught dinosaurs joined the ark during the global catastrophic flood. Whatsoever the case is, answer to the quest of finding dinosaurs in the scripture has been a debatable, dubious, and ambiguous subject. As a traditional view of a younger creation, many prefer to accept their existence alongside with humanity. Dan Kimball, in his book ‘How (not) to read the Bible’ also brings an interesting subject of Jesus riding dinosaur issue!   

Literally and sincerely, I didn’t want to write on this topic which has nothing to do with Christian living. However, many debates, concerns over this topic gave me tonic attack. Dinosaurs were one of my interesting topics when I was in my school days. I used to read their books. I almost knew many names and could recognize even by figures! Once I also had the same thirst to know where are these amazing giants in the Bible since we all are taught: “The Bible is Inspired Word of God and is True!”.     

There is one form of dogmatic position known as Biblicism. They insist that we just need to believe in the Bible only as if the Bible is a book intended to provide overall knowledge of this universe. Is it true? I would say it is rather not. Why? Am I against the Bible? They say yes you are! Here the reason is at the peak: There has been great misunderstanding in knowing the purpose of the Bible.

Answers in Genesis mentions:

Dinosaurs were created by God on day six of creation, approximately 6,000 years ago. Dinosaurs were originally vegetarian. During the global flood, many were buried and fossilized, but two of each kind survived on Noah’s ark. Dinosaurs eventually died out due to human activity, climate changes, or other factors.[vii]

This is a typical belief about dinosaur that is taught even today. The reputed websites of Recent Creationism propagate scientific evidences on behalf of their co-existence along with humanity. The Creation Museum has even made a provision for dinosaur exhibition with real fossils, skeletons of dinosaurs, life size sculptures and their eggs.[viii]

Some straightforward responses are based on the origin and usage of the word itself. notes ‘the Bible does mention dinosaurs, though it never actually uses the word “dinosaur.” Instead, it uses the Hebrew word tanniyn, which is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles. Sometimes it’s “sea monster,” and sometimes it’s “serpent.” It is most commonly translated “dragon.” The tanniyn appear to have been some sort of giant reptile. These creatures are mentioned nearly thirty times in the Old Testament and were found both on land and in the water.

In addition to mentioning these giant reptiles, the Bible describes a couple of creatures in such a way that some scholars believe the writers may have been describing dinosaurs. The behemoth is said to be the mightiest of all God’s creatures, a giant whose tail is likened to a cedar tree (Job 40:15). Some scholars have tried to identify the behemoth as either an elephant or a hippopotamus. Others point out that elephants and hippopotamuses have very thin tails, nothing comparable to a cedar tree. Dinosaurs like the brachiosaurus and the diplodocus, on the other hand, had huge tails which could easily be compared to a cedar tree.’

Learning that these were prehistoric beasts which got extinct in academics while children are learning their co-existence with humanity itself creates a great gulf of confusion. The Bible teachers or even preachers usually are found saying Job 40 and 41 are enough for us to know about dinosaurs.[ix] So, what are we to do with it?

Regarding the evidence, both the Progressive/Old as well as Recent/Young creationist have made efforts to push the case on their position. One has to spend a lot of time to go through all their arguments and counter-arguments that maybe not less than time needed to calculate number of cells in your body! The conclusion might be an asymptote indeed! So, I will leave this task to the readers itself. Navigate both creationism positions because a typical Christians rarely prefer theistic evolution and grab your position.

We might need to discuss on few subjects such as Behemoth and Leviathan. Were they really dinosaurs as usual claims made? Next, if dinosaurs really vanished away before the advent of human beings, doesn’t it permit death before fall? This is more of importance than the subject matter of dinosaur.

[i], 7/19/2021, 7:12 pm

[ii] Dr. Hugh Ross. Hidden Treasures in the book of Job.

[vi] Dr. Gerald Schroder. Science of God. Free Press, 1997. Epilogue section. Available at:

[ix], 7/17/2021, 2:45 pm

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