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Why is Jesus called 'Son of God'? What is its actual meaning? (A Nepali article)

It really hunts our mind when we are taught both 'Jesus is God' and 'Jesus is Son of God'. Acknowledging none of these are errors, we need to understand what each of these terms are actually conveying. 

1. If we think that Jesus is Son of God and hence he is also God, it can suffer tritheism heresy. 
2. If we think Jesus is Son of God in sense of lesser than God in essence, we commit subbordinism heresy. 
3. If we think Jesus is Son of God just as we are sons and daughters of God then we totally miss Jesus' identity.
4. If we think Jesus is God but in NT he came as Son of God, this opens the gate of Modalism. 
5. If we think its meaning is related with sexual union, we are light years far away from Biblical ground.

It is therefore essential to understand what really 'Son of God' term is conveying. When we use this term in non-Christian environment, what impacts our audiences get and how to make them understand? Even in the Quran, the meaning of the term has been misunderstood. A typical Hindu friends can understand this again as their Puranic stories e.g. Ganesh as Son of Mahadeva. Meanwhile, the Biblical meaning doesn't even come closer to any of their understanding. 

If you struggle with its meaning, be relax that you aren't alone! But don't get into heretical explanation. When you grab its meaning, I can assure you! You will more discover who Jesus actually is! He is radically different from anyone else indeed!

To be honest, one brother Narendra Magar, a Bible teacher with 3 years training from Hebron School of Pioneer Evangelism and experience of apologetics seminar teaching, has prepared a good article on this subject in Nepali. His article can be helpful to understand the meaning of 'Son of God'. 

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