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The Incarnation, The Final Episode 6


If Jesus is not divine, He cannot be the Christ; if He is not human, He cannot be our Savior.[i]

One of the most important statements on the Incarnation is the Creed of Chalcedon (AD 451). All Christendom – Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant – affirms the Chalcedonian formula that Jesus Christ is both God and man.

The creed says, in part: “We all with one voice confess our Lord Jesus Christ to be one and the same Son, perfect in divinity and humanity, truly God and truly human, consisting of a rational soul and a body, being of one substance with the Father in relation to his divinity, and being of one substance with us in relation to his humanity, and is like us in all things apart from sin.”

Jesus as the only begotten

“Begotten” term is highly misunderstood. The misconception of this term makes people think either Jesus is the directly created being (as JW states) or he was born with sexual union like us (Muslims believe).

The actual Greek Word is “Monogenes” with two union: Mono + genos i.e. kind or type. Monogenes has two definitions:

1.      “Pertaining to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship." This is its meaning in Hebrews 11:17 when the writer refers to Isaac as Abraham’s "only begotten son" (KJV). Despite having more than one son to Abraham, but Isaac was the only son he had by Sarah and the only son of the covenant. Therefore, it is the uniqueness of Isaac among the other sons that allows for the use of monogenes in that context.

2.      "Pertaining to being the only one of its kind or class, unique in kind." This is the meaning that is implied in John 3:16 (see also John 1:14, 18; 3:18; 1 John 4:9). John was primarily concerned with demonstrating that Jesus is the Son of God (John 20:31), and he uses monogenes to highlight Jesus as uniquely God’s Son—who shares the same divine nature as God—as opposed to believers who are God’s sons and daughters by adoption (Ephesians 1:5). Jesus is God’s “one and only” Son.

However, here the bottom line is that terms such as "Father" and "Son," descriptive of God and Jesus, are human terms that help us understand the relationship between the different Persons of the Trinity. If we can fathom the relationship between a human father and a human son, then we can fathom, in part, the relationship between the First and Second Persons of the Trinity. The analogy makes Titanic to sink if we try to take it too far and teach, as some pseudo-Christian cults (such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses), that Jesus was literally "begotten" as in “produced” or “created” by God the Father.

Hence, the word actually means ‘One of its kind’. The apostle John, who takes great care to clarify the deity of Jesus, wants us to know that while Jesus is the Son of God, His Sonship is an eternal, one-of-a-kind relationship with God the Father. Believing sinners are “begotten” in the sense that we are born again, or made spiritually alive through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Our sonship is through adoption; Christ’s Sonship is by the very nature of His eternal relationship with the Father.


Jesus as Son of God

ISCKON claims Krishna is Father of Jesus, JW believes Jesus as a created being and Muslims believe Allah doesn’t have a partner to have a Son. But what was the meaning of Son of God? The doctrine of eternal sonship of Jesus states that Jesus has always existed as eternal Son in relationship with eternal Father.

We normally think of father-son relationships requiring procreation, with the father existing before his child. Yet, the word “son” as it’s used of Jesus in Scripture aims more at describing similarities between two eternal persons. Just as a human father enjoys a relationship with a human son, so God the Father enjoys an eternal relationship with His divine Son.[ii] Col. 1:13-17, 1 John 4:9-10, 14, 1 John 3:8, etc. are Biblical cases for Jesus’ eternal Sonship.

To add more, in Jewish context, Son of something or someone is to mean Manifestation of someone or something. E.g. John 17:12. It means exact radiance or representation. Jesus, who was indeed eternal Son in trinity relationship, could exactly manifest God the Father. Father and Son terms aren’t used in a way of need of a partner in sexual union but as a relational term. As the doctrine of trinity, both Father and Son have same essence and nature. Jesus was the only Son of God who himself was God and could manifest God.

Next, Son of God also carries significance that God is not just an impersonal force that rules the universe (like in Monism/advaita Vedanta Hinduism-Para Brahman) nor he is someone who doesn’t have any interaction with this world (like Islamic position on Allah and also Deism) but God wants a relationship with us and interacts with us. This was the reason Jesus taught to address God as Father and he came to give us right to be his children. The curtain of the temple tore apart during Jesus’ death depicts the end of distance between man and God.

Hence, today we have been accepted and adopted because of our elder brother Jesus. Just as C.S. Lewis said He became man to enable us to become God’s children. We may not fathom Jesus’ incarnation and nature from our finite mind but we can surely accept what the scripture clearly conveys about him. Whatsoever, we are blessed and must be thankful to our mighty God who loved us so much that he became one of us and enabled access to himself. Jesus, the only unique Historic figure, in whom both Divine and Human united! 

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