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We have arrived at final series. We have briefly learnt about Hindu and Islamic scripture along with false gospels that depicts a different Jesus with a mixture of some flavour of Biblical Jesus. There are fragments even among Christians on the issue whether to use them in evangelism or not. There are people who have accepted Jesus through those sources as well whereas there are also other people who have suffered great struggle in their faith as well.

Some acknowledge that Jesus has been depicted special by every religious works in some way with indirect hints whereas some believe they can be trigger and challenge to authority and inspiration of the Bible alone. Accepting only selective parts and rejecting rest makes us a biased Christian for sake of proselyte. Here, in one way we debunk cults for this cherry picking but even we have done this act with other religious scripture. On the other hand, false gospels were prior rejected from the canon after deeper investigation. 

Galatians 1:6-9 and 2 Cor. 11:4 warns us about a different gospel and a different Jesus which prevailed during that time as well. It is not wise to stand alone with just two verse from the book of John and try searching Jesus into other resources. New Testament is very clear and open to the issue of deception.

No matter wherever Jesus has been mentioned with his deeds and saying beyond the canonical scripture, one thing we must understand that it is only the scripture we can trust, which is a safe premise for us to know the Savior. Every else resource where he has been mentioned are vulnerable to false witness, frauds, fabrication, interpolation, personal accounts, etc. We can never know if they are authenticated or not. Neither we can take them as authority nor we can reject them.

Hence only biblical revelation and records are trustworthy. During canonization, church fathers carefully chose 27 NT books and rejected the rest. If we wish to use other resources that is using an axe against ourselves. We cannot be certain of things we never know thoroughly.

1 Peter 1:10-11: Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.

[Note: My heartily gratitude goes to Elder PA Thomas, Rev. Dr. Balkirshna Sharma and my friends brother Sabin Panta, Abhishek Vical, Parv Prabhakar and Manohar Shrestha] 

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