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Gospel to Hindu World: Episode 2


Before I get into discussing a healthy approach in sharing the gospel, I really want to make some comments on our society. It is an observable fact that our nation is concerned in Hinduism and has a great pride for being a Hindu core land. Till today, there is a deep shout and demand for restoration of Hindu kingdom.

However, there is something pity to feel about. Majority of the people are agnostic regarding Hinduism. They are not well acquainted with their own dharma. They may be familiar with the rituals and practices but not with history, scripture and beliefs.

We are often asked why we don't put tika. But my concern is rather if they themselves know the meaning of putting tika or not. Do they know what they practice in name of culture, tradition and rituals? Do they know the reasons behind every practices and belief? Or they enroll just for sake of luxury and entertainment? If they know, I am rather glad but it’s a bitter truth that many are deprived of this core knowledge. It makes no sense to ask a Christian why don't they put tika while they themselves don't know why they put it.

Similarly, many of our Hindu neighborhood don't have knowledge of scripture. Today, the world reveres the Bhagavad Gita and believes it is enough for Hindus. However, the reality is different. Bhagavad Gita, for sure, explains the essence of Hinduism but it is not the core scripture from where Hinduism emerged. It is rather the Vedas from which Hinduism emerged.

Our society, in general, itself is in a scarcity of an adequate knowledge about their religion and it makes no sense in objecting Christians. Present day Nepali critics like Abhishek Joshi and authors of a book ‘Vigyaan ko najar ma veda ra bible’ [Vedas and Bible in Light of Science] has also brought the same issue that let us know first our own religion. People are not familiar with their beliefs except the practices of rites and rituals. Here again, I am not pointing everyone but a typical individual knows less about his/her religion. There is almost no environment where they can learn except following religious activities that has been passed generation to generation. Most individuals today often say it as a waste of time and they pay no interest in learning. Just feeling proud of being a Hindu (if anyone) without knowing its basics doesn’t hold water. They are just taught about glorious contribution of Hindu scriptures in science, art, literature, philosophy, mathematics, etc. but they lack core knowledge of those scriptures. I must say, this is a real sad point.    

If one claims to be proud of Hinduism, first, he/she must also know the cores of the religion. There should not be any excuse. Otherwise, they become like a hedonist (life is all about happiness and pleasure) or agnostics (a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God). Today, even if one calls himself/herself a Hindu, they are by nature hedonist or agnostics. This problem is growing seriously. They should have learned from their glorious history, philosophers and heroes but either they just become proud and make outstanding claims or they do not care about these things in their life. Truly, I feel ancient Hindu adherents, learners or students were more enthusiast than present generation.

It is our inevitable responsibility to know what our faith is and why do we believe. No mere Christians force others to change their religion but they themselves first need to know at least basic things about Hinduism. Some are really afraid thinking as if we may convert them to our faith. I rather ask them how much knowledge they have about their religion. I then request them to learn about their own religion. Of course, I do share gospel to them. However, if they don’t have sound understanding of their own faith then how can they take hold of the gospel? We need to share the gospel and let them decide by themselves where they find the truth. Everyone has choice and freedom to decide their destiny.  

Today, even after being a believer, I am also studying Hinduism and I find it so interesting to know that I really didn't know anything since my childhood and we aren't even taught. I used to watch movies of Hindu Puranas and legends and follow the rituals. Honestly to confess, I didn’t even know what the term ‘Hindu’ was when I was in a primary level at school. I didn’t know the Vedas, the Gita and so on. However, I am thankful to God that He gave an environment at least to have a simple knowledge since childhood.

Let this generation be conscious and aware of it. Simply objecting Christians is not a wise task if they are not even familiar with their own religion. As a Christian, we just share the gospel and do not teach them what their religion is about. They should be eager to learn and be enthusiastic. They should seek and try to discover. If we began to teach them about their religion, it is nothing different than teaching a science teacher on how to carry experiments.

[Note: The only theme of this episode 2 is that, it is responsibility of every individuals to know basics of their faith. Even we should also encourage our neighborhoods to know their religion and give them a choice of their personal decision] 

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