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A Tour of Hinduism -III


The Search After Reality
-Sadhu Sundar Singh

[Emphasis only on Hinduism]

Sundar was born into a Sikh family in Punjab where he grew up questioning Christianity & Hinduism. Sikhism is a sect within Hinduism that teaches belief in one God and rejects the caste system and idolatry. But, in his deepest sorrow, in the darkest of nights, Sundar saw Jesus in a vision and his life was never the same again! Like Paul the Apostle, from opposing Christianity he found Christ and discovered what it truly meant to be a Christian.

Sundar attended an American Presbyterian Mission school where the New Testament was read daily as a textbook. He refused to read it because he thought it was false and yet something about the gospel always attracted him. His crisis of faith took over when he was fourteen, his mother passed away. He was very close to his mother and her passing left a deep void in his heart, he desperately longed for peace, and in his outrage, he even burnt a Bible.

However, after becoming a Christian he strongly believed in spreading the hope & peace he found in the gospel, to Indians in an Indian way. Like Jesus, he had no possessions and called the road his home. Stories are still told of the amazing miracles that God did through Sundar. Though there have been many life-threatening attempts to poison him, imprison him and stone him, but there have been even more miracles.

He stood out from other Christians as he always wore a saffron turban and a saffron robe. He was known as, “the apostle with the bleeding feet” for he walked far and long.

From the northern mountains of Shimla & Tibet to the southern plains of Tamil Nadu. He has also preached in Ceylon and in other nations around the world.[i]


One of his books, The Search After Reality, is found really fascinating. Sundar Singh was one of the greatest evangelists. I shall give him a tag “Paul of the Eastern World”. The person who literally persecuted Christians and burnt God’s word later miraculously converted to him [Jesus]. He was later boycotted from the family by his father. He then determined to live for Christ. He had mysterious death at the end in Himalayas.


I recommend his book due to following features:

1.      Problem with Vedanta philosophy regarding everything is Maya except Brahman alone,

2.      Comments on Aadi Shankracharya’s dogma of Maya as creative power of Brahman,

3.      Comments on Swamee Vivekakanda’s statement “It is a sin to call a man sinner.”

4.      Objection on destination whether salvation or annihilation,

5.      Objects knowledge, works and devotion’s necessity for salvation,

6.      Describes problem with karma, jnana and bhakti marga,

7.      Shows problem with transmigration, salvation and rebirth,

8.      Comments on Krishna’s concern to the necessity of the fight for sweeping away tyranny and injustice and establish dharma and justice,

9.      Debunks Krishna-Christ similarity and questions who gives the hope of salvation,

10.  Comments on the Bhagavad Gita as an attempt to reconcile Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta system of aastika darshan[ii] with doctrine of bhakti,

11.  Answers the reason behind continuation of Hinduism despite its unsuitability to people’s need.


Download the book and explore yourself in detail.


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